
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No List??

i've been ordered to rest by my gynae. it seems the fetus isnt strong yet and i have to take it easy. was bleeding early monday morning. wasnt so much as fresh blood as it was brownish stains. was told by my gynae that i need to relax and she gave me 2 days off from work.

so here i am at home...with no list in front of me. i dont know what to put if i had a list, anyway. i cant do anything heavy, and there's nothing light to be done around the house.

maybe i'll do a bit of ironing...which i detest, but hubby left out a couple of shirts when we sorted the shirts to be ironed. that would take around 5 minutes. then i also need to wash our bathroom. another 10 minutes sorted. what else...maybe i'll hoover amir's room.

hmmm...i'll probably do something i havent done in ages. i think i'll cook dinner and surprise hubby tonight.


Anonymous said...

u can always start ur OZ bible...

Anonymous said...

I had similar problem when carrying No. 2, had 2 weeks off work and had to take hormone jabs to make sure the baby's ok ... so don't do ANYTHING!!

eiseais said...

tiza...oz bible has started hahaha

anon (anon mana pulak ni). i'm taking hormone pills now. but hopefully things will settle down. dont do anything?? too late - washed the bathroom already. that was therapeutic (is that how its spelt?)

bakerina said...

hallo? after u washed the bathroom which you shouldnt in the first place, duh, dont do anything else. if you lose this baby you would start regretting and wonder if things would have been diff if you followed gynae's advice and not do anything. take care tau.
i've miscarried b4 and the regret and wonder is overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

nak masak special dinner for lovely hubby yek...

Anonymous said...

Ms Salina..

Boleh tak jangan degil...
orang suruh rehat tu rehat jelah

Take care of yourself & the baby...
jgn aktif sangat cik kak oiii...

Anonymous said...


hope not to late to congratulate you..... InsyaAllah everything will be fine.. take care...


Hot Mama said...

are still with Dr. Maziah? hmm bestlaa dia more business for her..heheh
nanti insyaAllah jumpa kat DSH k
rest dear,


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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