it was a nice trip. the place was nice, the rooms were nice, food was great (esp the second night's seafood barbeque). the games were great but amir didnt want to participate. hubby joined in one of the telematches. asyraf was bawling under the hot sun, so we ran back to the room and turned on the air-cond at full blast.
towards the evening, we left asyraf with the hotel's babysitter and took amir to the beach, the pool and the playground. after the initial screams of fear, he was brave enough to run towards the beach.
in the car...
hubby, after the telematch. the boys pengsan from the hot sun...
amir at the beach and the pool...
geli??!! so sad sad....
ee bestnye! It has been such a long time i tak swim.. looking at those photos made me wantto bring Aidan for a swim...
cam menarik jer swimming pool tu... klu fahmi & yaya tgk sure menjerit2 nak main air. tak bleh jadi, mesti pergi
hmmm...geli on the beach?
definitely not footie player material...
plan b, dude...
asyraf tido meniarap ye? sama macam my ashraff..nyenyak sikit tidonye. Aliff pulak hates it!
Cutelah tgk your two boys playing together, coz the age difference is not tht much, plus the same gender, mmg cute! No wonder you want another boy as an addition...
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