on friday, amir's ibu (the teachers at the daycare) informed us that amir was a bit warm, so we monitored him during the weekend. but then on saturday night, asyraf was breathing very loudly. his nose sounded blocked. so on sunday morning we took him to damansara specialist to see the medical officer. i would love to bring him to his peadiatrician but its was sunday and i doubt he was working. i was wrong...hubby and i shouted with happiness seeing the pead's car in front of the hospital. we cant help it, we rely heavily on the boys' pead. apa dia cakap, betul je.
we went to see the MO first. after explaining to him what asyraf's symptoms was, plus that he fall off the bed on friday, the MO seemed confused and called asyraf's pead for advise. thank god he did...i didnt think i'd be satisfies with anything the MO prescribed, looking at his confused face.
so...asyraf was admitted under the advise of the pead. we got a double bedded room and put our name in the waiting list for the single bed room. thank god we did. the patient next to our bed was loud and irritating. quite a bit happen (that i dont feel is worth discussing...although i'm happy we gave them a good whalloping, except for hubby who was upset he didnt say "bi-atch" to her face) and we got another double bedded room for that night. asyraf's nostrils and airway had to be cleared with a suction. he had a lot of phlegm and his nostrils were totally blocked. i cant believe so much phlegm came out from such a small boy. i stayed with asyraf while hubby went back with amir. before they went back my sisters came over to give amir his birthday presents, and make some noise in the room.
the next day, i was all prepared to go home as asyraf's fever has gone down. but his pead wanted to monitor him some more as he said asyraf wasnt breathing properly. he knows just by looking at asyraf's chest...no wonder he's the chest physician. oh well...another night in the ward then. we moved to a single room on monday. so hubby and amir came over to spend the night in the hospital as well. i was bored being alone there. the nurse did another suction at 5am as asyraf couldnt breathe and couldnt sleep. immediately after that, they gave him phenegan and he slept preacefully until 9am.
the pead came over to give him another check and said asyraf's well enough to go home. he told us to be prepared to do manual suction or to buy a suction machine at the pharmacy. i dont mind, as long as we get to go home.
now his temperature has risen slightly and i've taken off his clothes so that he can cool down. i hope he'll be better soon.
ala ciannya asyraf....
js, same goes to qistina when she was 1 month old. Berkampung la i kat hospital. Masa tu badan i pun bukan kuat lagi...i pulak yg jatuh sakit dahlah sejuk giler..sampai nurse selimutkan dgn 3 helai blanket.
qistina pun hidungnya kena sedut mcm tu. tak sampai hati i nak tengok. biarlah diorang je yang uruskan..i tunggu kat tepi. tak mau dgr dia nangis masa kena sedut hidung tu.
bila malam, qistina takleh tidur terlentang..kena meniarap..kalau tak sure dia tak leh nak bernafas.
seminggu lak tu... selagi tak clear hidung dia...pernafasan tak ok..selagi tu la tak boleh nak balik...boring sungguh...
lepas kejadian tu...i sangat berhati-hati..takut peristiwa yg sama berulang kembali...
hi babe,
rinduuu sungguh your blog nih.. my computer at the office xleh get in blogspot..dunno why..so here i am in my husband's office pretending i had a very "important" job to do and been reading your past 2 months blog for the past 2hours..hehe..nak hidup babe..till we meet again.
btw, so sorry that asyraff had to go through those horrendous suction sessions..u have to be a mother to understand what we felt and went through seeing your lil ones in pain..iman's down with a flu..kesian tgk die tidur with his stuffed nose.. wished i could trade the flu with him..let me have it
poor adik....just like Britney (Spears)'s baby
Lil Dude fell off the high chair in the kitchen and asyraf fell off the bed in the room.
but at least the abang long is happy wif his prezzies....I'm glad.
Next year it'll be a leapfrog pad for him....shh! surprise!
Can't wait for this Saturday so Tiza and I can go swimming!!!
Amir can watch from the side.....
*dramatic gasp*
takde ugama langsung!
Kesian nya! Tapi lagi kesian mak dia yang bersengkang mata jaga baby yang sakit. If you are breastfeeding, makanlah ape2 yang boleh fortify your milk.
ala ciannye asyraf.. kak js.. that day, masa I cium dia.. I takde flu tau...
Liza kalo time Haqeem sakit sikit je, mulalah gelabah, pastu mmg terikir mintak tukar ngan kite penyakit diaorg nie.. x sanggup tengok.. kesian!
Tapi, asyraf dah sihat kan sekarang ni??
pe pulak saturday?
friday nite lagi dah start splashing lah...
once popot goes off to bed je, get them babies out!!
we swim n swim n swim under the moonlight with mikey, montoq n gandalf as well...
oh, what funs...hahahahahahaha
tetiba rasa sedih tgk gmbr2 kt hospital ..sian asyraf .. semoga cepat sembuh yer ..
eh! sapa princess diana nie...perasan sangka princes (hee hee hee)...
tiza....i so tak sabar!
ps/check out the hot chick in the grey sleeveless....
this phelgm horror ... aduh i got my share for #1 and #3. when #1 i can't stand looking at the procedure. come #3, dah seasoned kutnya, i'm ok. siap kita pulak yg tolong pegang tiub tu.
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