after a week at the daycare (less for asyraf), i'm quite excited to give an update. maybe its too soon, but here's our intake on the place for now.
1. there is a proper office. as we entered the place, we were ushered into an office where the headmistress has her desk. there is also 2 desks to handle enquiries and payment and another desk for administration work. there is a notice board where the names of the ibu who will be in charge after the normal daycare hours as well as if there's any complain is made public (on the day we registered, the tv was out of order).
2. when we paid, they said that we can hold off our payment as they also aim to help parents as well as the children. amir's registration fees is slightly higher as it includes uniform and sports day payment.
3. the daycare and kindergarten are totally separated. from that, each age group has their own room. there are a couple of baby cots in the babies room. the ibu asked if asyraf preferred to sleep on the mattress or in the cot. i told her, he doesnt mind either.
4. we then went to see amir's classroom. outside the classroom, there is a large play area and eating area. the kitchen is no where to be seen.
5. which brings me to my next point, amir's clothes doesnt smell of garlic and onion. his pajamas smells like my room (which i love) and his towel smells of soap. asyraf's clothes is clean, not a black spot in sight and no milk stains.
6. according to the ibu, amir could name all the animals that they show on the flash card. hubby asked if amir named them in english or malay as we teach him the english names. the ibu said, we teach in english here too. oh thank god!
7. amir is very attached to asyraf. every now and then he would ask for asyraf. on the first day, he said he wanted to sleep with asyraf and not with his classmates. i think he's excited to see his brother with him. at the old daycare, asyraf was kept in the bedroom upstairs, so amir may not know asyraf was around.
8. they care for children on the weekends and charge a very, very reasonable daily rate. they are also used to children sleeping over at the daycare as sometimes the parents may work during night shift.
of course. there's nothing perfect in this world. here's what happened to amir yesterday.
but the owner & her husband managed to soothe our anger by:
1. quarantine-ing the perpetrator;
2. relieving the teacher from her duties, we were copied in the letter;
3. verbally informing the parents, and upon hubby's request, will write a formal complaint to them about their daughter's attitude.
Poor amir! Sure sakit jugak tu kalau sampai berbekas....
arggghh.sian amir....kalu i pun..i pun rasa nak gigit balik budak yg gigit si amir tuh..
Ya Allah..macamana boleh jadi macam tu? Kesiannya Amir.. :(
OMG...that one looks pretty nasty. Adam came home yesterday with a bite mark on his cheek as well but nothing like Amir's. Hope he'll get over it soon.
she must've been very hungry...tit for tat?
my colleague said its probably because he has such nice tembam cheeks...
mebe d little......person (i'm having difficulty finding a "nice" & "polite" name for the....person) tak tahan cuz he's so much cuter than she is.
you wonder what kind of person she will grow up to be....ish ish ish...
amir be strong.. ayoo naughtynya bdk girl tue ... siann amir ...dia nangis tak kak js?
at least the place take appropriate action. the girl got overexcited lah tu. anyway, the ibu should be more responsible. hopefully everybody learn their lesson here.
poor thing! But like you I'm quite impressed with the daycare .. kat mana ni ?
trueblue...i pun donno how it could happen. according to the teacher, he and a girl both nak naik a horse, and tiba meniba that girl just terkam-ed him. amir, being amir, just kept quiet and buat donno. it was swollen after that, nasib baik the teacher knows to put ice to turunkan the swelling.
nae...biasalah budak2. he doesnt even remember its there. but we would wince (konon sharing his pain) everytime we see it. adam pun ada ke?? what happened to adam?
bakerina...either she was hungry or she tak tahan seeing him chubby cheeks.
princess kittie...senang je, she's a bi-atch!!
diana...amir tak nangis pun kata teacher dia. dia buat donno je. and of course, lepas tu terus pegi carik adik dia.
ninuk...the ibu has been sacked. and now amir's got a very nice ibu (from what we can see). she'd come running over to him every morning and would give him a big hug. amir would also put his head on her tummy, something he only does to someone he's close to. so...that's a good sign.
gartblue...the daycare's in subang. from the nkve you can see...on the left side if you're driving towards damansara.
Macam best je daycare ni. Of course, adalah incident sikit2 but at least they took necessary actions. Kesian tgk pipi amir kena gigit. So amir kawan lagi tak dengan that girl? Or was she kicked out from the daycare?
my god! kesiannya Amir..
at first i tot its bekas lipstik...
laaa rupanya kena gigit!
Poor Amir. Kesian kat dia. Sakit tu.
Shida - Sweet Frosting
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