
Monday, September 25, 2006


the holy month of ramadhan has arrived. i was mentally preparing myself for a while now. takut i cant make it through the day. alhamdulillah the past 1 & half days have been ok for me. managed to vacuum all 3 bedrooms upstairs, cleaned my bathroom, did 3 loads of laundry before passing out at 5:30pm yesterday. couldnt even climb up to my bed and had to sleep on amir's mattress. amir thought i was playing, and started to climb on top of me. tired me just covered my stomach and let him do whatever he pleased.

buka puasa is not a big event at home, with just me and hubby. i prefer a lot of kuih and a light meal (murtabak or rojak or burger or kfc) while hubby prefers to dig into his rice immediately. for me, rice is only for sahur and that is only because i am forced to eat rice so that i can last the whole day.

baby's been kicking me for the past hour. i think he's trying to tell me that its lunchtime. i'm thankful that i dont feel hungry, although i do feel a bit weak and i thirsty!! not helped with this sore throat that i have.

i was hoping i could go for terawih this year, having missed 2 years in a row (heavily pregnant in 2004 and having to look after a baby in 2005) but seeing how weak i was around berbuka time, i doubt i am able to last even 2 rakaat.

on another note, i had to take the lrt from terminal putra in gombak today. hubby brought back the office car so i followed him to work and he dropped me off at the nearest station. i would just like to say...thank god i take the lrt from kelana jaya. much as i complain about people not giving up seats for pregnant women, its nothing compared to what i went through (and had to be forced to smell) this morning.

2pm...nap time.


Hot Mama said...

Selamat Berpuasa...
I guess i will miss my terawih this year since its quite difficult to leave baby Aidan.. Hubby is going solo to terawih this year..

trueblue said...

Selamat berpuasa, dear. Don't work too hard. Take care of yourself..

eiseais said... least hubby u gi terawih. hubby i...mummy & amir tido, dia pun tido skali...hahaha.

dilla...wat to do, fasting now is easier than ganti-ing later kan? tgh control macho ni, even tho at times rasa a bit berat. yup...2 baby boys...erkkkk :)

trueblue...u take care too. nanti we go lunching lepas raya yeah, before i give birth.

mock said...

lerr...lunch ngan i pun tak lepas lagi, dah janji ngan org lain plak....

kfc...yums....i kalau u bagi kfc bila2 pun, i'm a happy bunny....

selamat berpuasa to y'all too...

trueblue, i'm goin to s'pore soon to borong chocs!!! heheheh....stocking up for raya....macam la takde makanan lain blh dimakan nanti....

raya this yr at my house tak serve cookies, i'm serving chocolates!!!

trueblue said...

Okeh..Bila you nak deliver nih?

Nanti beli lebih and save some for me, ok? :)

eiseais said...

yeah mock...i really owe u lunch/early dinner. and i also owe u a pack of maltesers...wanted to get those for u in oz. i know u love maltesers.

trueblue...due date is 1 dec. but hoping baby will come out earlier. penat lah

rafiqaheliza said...

Hi eiseai..Just dropping by. Kita pun preggy jugak, due early Nov. Ada hari we have to skip fasting sbb tak larat and badan ni byk angin so after iftaar, feel so full and like throwing up je.
Been reading your past postings as well...bestnye gi gold coast before delivery! And u also managed to do the 3D scan. My baby position tak best, so tak boleh cantik nak buat 3D. Hopefully next check-up dia willing to show his face...


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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