
Friday, January 13, 2017

Amir's 12th Birthday

its the big milestone for the eldset - the big exam, the big identity card change. eh actually only those two as he still acts like a kid, a big kid, and he's still in his dreamland and not stepping up to the plate.  some people say leave him be, some say he needs to wake up. oh well...i dont even know what to do, i wish i did but nothing we do is ever right with this one.

honestly speaking, i see asyraf getting more mature with age compared to amir. its kind of frustrating as i dont want to go hard on them but they need to know when to play and when to be serious. and unfortunately, when its big exam year (yes i know, some say, psshhh upsr, what's so big about it) its time to be serious.

unfortunately, amir doesnt want to take his studies seriously. its quite upsetting, he's not pushing himself in his studies neither is he pushing in his football. so he's neither here not there. i'm sad that i am so negative in his birthday post but he's really not smelling the coffee at all.

yes, there's still time to change and yes, we're praying non-stop for him. and we'll see where this year will take him and how he'll take this year...

his birthday lunch too isnt easy to choose. he wanted japanese but we've put off by japanese food for a bit. so he chose korean. and we chose a yucky korean restaurant that put me off for years! we got to have cakes afterwards so at least that's good...

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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