
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Lunch Boxes Journey - July & August 2016

july was a half-schooling-month. the fasting month and the raya break made up the first two weeks of july and the boys were back in school the second half of july. it took a bit for the lunch box journey to get started. it was no mood, no idea, no energy, mummy fasting excuses thrown here and there. when i finally got my head around the lunch box preparation mood again, we're back in business. this time however, hubby was not part of the group, ariff wanted no food at all and akmal would push his luck for lunch money - something i gave into occasionally.

but i prepared for amir and asyraf religiously. pushed myself more like it. come august, there were loads of pictures and articles about lunch boxes as most countries started their schooling year in august. that gave me the boost and i saved and saved so many links for next year. next year we start again and next year, i will be stronger, i will.

as i'm not at all in the mood to whip up some fried stuff in the morning, i always fall back on sandwiches. i bought different sorts of bread and rolls to give variety to their lunch box while keeping the filling the same - roast beef, turket, chicken slices. they would get pita pockets, sourdough bread, wraps, wholewheat rolls, hot dog buns, burger buns, mini buns. the boys really enjoy their sandwiches because of the different bread.

i also made cupcakes so that their sides would not be limited to wafers and biscuits. that liven the look of their lunch boxes a whole lot.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
Images by Freepik