
Friday, April 01, 2016

The Lunch Boxes Journey - February & March 2016

february's a short month due to the long chinese new year break. march is as well as the first school holiday is right smack in the middle of march. coupled with the boys being ill and amira under the weather, my lunch boxes preparation was not as extensive compared to january. therefore, i'll combine both months into one entry.

i think this type of entry won't be a long one, after a while my lunch boxes would look the same. unless, of course, i step up a bit, and prepare heavier meals, especially for amir and asyraf's morning school recess. maybe i'll do that…after fasting month. yes, let's procrastinate from now.

this is how my prep table looks like. nothing fancy, just simple bread, filling and sides.

anyway, for february, beef sandwiches take centre stage. because hubby bought a month-long supply of beef strips. i do try to vary the sandwich filling between beef, chicken, tuna and sardine, but since there is over-supply of beef, that's the main filling.

there's also the 'leftover' lunch boxes - dinner leftovers straight into their containers.

and the 'extra effort' days, when i prepare simple food - nuggets, sausages, boiled eggs.

ariff and akmal's been asking for nutella toast for afternoon school. easier to prepare and they don't have much of an appetite at 3pm-4pm on a hot day. i offer cookies and zip wafers and fruits but they just settle with one or two nutella toasts. amir and asyraf want a big portions of food for morning school but for agama school, they settle for something simpler and light. they would come back form agama school and have snacks while they do their homework.

i gave them lunch money more than a couple of times in february. amira being unwell means less sleep for me. and i just can't get myself psyched about lunch boxes so early in the morning during those days. i should look up make-ahead breakfast menus to counter that. and start making big batches of cookies of muffins for the sides.

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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