2015 has a lot of long weekends as quite a number of public holidays fall on sundays. add to that, there are some holidays that fall on the other side of the weekend making it a 4-weekend. i think there's about 3 of those this year. the first was the weekend of federal territory and thaipusam holiday. ok, so federal territory day does not apply to us living in the neighboring state but i'm celebrating it anywho as i'm a born and bred KL girl. plus with 6 less uniforms to iron, who wouldn't want declare it a holiday.
we were all out and about on those four days. the boys had a weekend full of football, hubby had a weekend full of football although his was in jakarta and the boys' football weekend was at home. but still…my laundry for the first 2 days was full of nikes and adidas and pumas. once hubby returned from jakarta the boys dragged him for a round of kick-a-bout which lasted 2 hours.
the next day, after weeks of requesting, we took the boys for a walk around the neighbourhood. we walked for 3kms from home to d'bayu. amir, akmal and asyraf jogged half of the way. amir was happy he got to take the same route his schoolmates took on the school run he missed 2 weeks back. ariff was whining from start to finish.
the plan was to take one route to the shops, have breakfast and walk back another route. while having breakfast ariff was spurting out so many ideas - send him to his teacher's house, call my sister, leave him at the shop, call a taxi home - because he refused to walk back. everyone else were giving him the evil eye because they were all looking forward to the morning walk. in the end we gave in to ariff's request and took a taxi home. thanks ariff!
when we got home, it was again football all the way. the boys played in the hot sun from lunchtime to dinnertime, its surprising they didn't come in all tanned.
on tuesday, the boys followed hubby for their weekly futsal game. usually its on sundays but they moved it to tuesday. i finally had some time to myself which i spent slaving over (ok, exaggeration) the stove.
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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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