
Friday, November 21, 2014

Report Card 2014

this is one of the most stressful part, if not the most stressful…their studies.

we came into the year with concerns for ariff, who entered primary school unable to read; with reservations for amir, who had a significant drop in his studies last year; with less of a worry for asyraf, who seems to be doing fine in his first year in school.

oh but how wrong we were! i think the one who disappointed us the most this year was asyraf. partly due to us, we relied on him too much, left him alone too long, thinking he can carry himself, thinking he's able to take in all he learned without help while we concentrated on amir & ariff. but no one should be expected to be able to push through school without help.

while his results were good, asyraf, he was not consistent. yes he did get full marks for his arab at agama school but his other subjects dropped quite a lot. he was confident of getting much better results and had not delivered his promise.

similarly, while his results at his primary school were pretty good, he obtained 8As out of the 11 subjects tested (seriously…why so many??!), he almost failed his science. we were just disappointed with his results this year and hoping he would do much, much better next year.

asyraf's mid-year results vs year-end results

ariff had only up to go. he started the year at such a low point, he was still unable to read simple words, he was not interested in classroom learning and he failed maths in the mid-year exams, therefore had 'fail' as his overall result. he improved significantly during the year-end exams, though maths were still giving him problems but we'll get there, abadik, hang in there.

ariff's mid-year results vs year-end results

his results in agama school was also very low in the beginning of the year but he went up by a lot towards the end of the year. he came home with a wonderful 90% for his akhlak and was expecting to receive a certificate at the school's prize giving ceremony. maybe next time, abadik. he's reading iqra' book 5 now and hopefully will start reading the quran early next year. his agama school ustazah is more positive than his teachers in primary school. they realised he is unable to sit still for a long time and gave him tasks to do so that he can channel his energy and not disrupt the class - his teachers in primary school, in contrast, made a long list of how disruptive and rude and lazy he is.

amir, actually, is quite consistent. he had a good year 1 in primary school but dropped so much in year 2. his results this year, when he brought back each paper, wasn't very good. but overall, his results were not bad. he had only As and Bs and his lowest was a 60% for maths - which he can do better, insyaAllah.

amir's mid-year results vs year-end results

his agama school results was also not bad. his imlak/khat/jawi had improved significantly and he obtained As and Bs for all except for his akhlak. he's a bit upset he did not get anything at the school's prize giving ceremony as he received a certificate last year but hopefully that would encourage him to do better next year.

ok, so overall, they were not too bad but as sir alex once said during his season review - could do better or should do better. so boys, lets do better, you guys and me, okay.

oh…and the little one, how can we forget him. he had a good year in school, a really good year. thanks adik baby for your making me cry in your class.

and we should really end on a high note, shouldn't we? asyraf managed to obtain the highest marks for arab in year 2 in agama school and received a trophy at the prize giving ceremony. congrats abang…now let's concentrate on your other subjects.

amir had a special mention at the ceremony for representing the school at district level in muhawarrah bahasa arab (acting in arab). congrats abang long.

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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