
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alone Time

hubby and i took the monday before wesak day off. that gave us a 4-day weekend. the saturday & sunday are for the boys, as usual. on wesak day it would be a repeat of that. so we took the monday off to run some errands and rest.

i initially wanted to take ariff and akmal with us but the boys had teachers' day celebration in both schools. amir and asyraf were asked to wear superheroes or myth outfit and we opted for batman and spiderman for them. ariff wanted to join the crowd so he wore his superman tshirt, while akmal, as he had no superhero outfit, became the "timmy time" man.

the running errands werent really a major task. we had some grocery shopping to do, some small shopping to settle and to wash the car (that was the only errand actually). so we went off to 1 utama. i love the car wash there. 3 weeks ago we took the 5 there to be washed and yesterday we took the CCP there. the guy at the car wash said it'd take about 1 & half to 2 hours so walked around for a bit looking for the things on my list, before doing something unplanned - thai foot massage!

we managed to slot in a good lunch at paddington house of pancakes. as we're so used to running in and out with the boys around, even when they are not with us, we managed to order, eat and pay in less than half an hour!

after 3 hours, we left 1utama with jammies for the boys, books for the boys and for us, purse and wallet for me, a half-full cold storage trolley, sore feet and back (from the massage) and a full stomach.

1 comment:

kombat said...

comeinya baju-baju character! nak baju akmal!!


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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