we usually either take amir or asyraf as they enjoy going out and its great taking them away from their daily kindy schedule. we sometimes take akmal but not as often as the elder two as we'd have to be making formula, or taking him for diaper changes. that kinda takes the fun out of an outing. we'd never had the chance to take ariff out, for some reason or another. towards the second half of 2010 we had less opportunities to take the boys out for their outing. mainly because we were saving our leave for the year-end holiday.
as the hectic start of the year started to dwindle down, i decided to take a day off and bring ariff out. its about time he gets his special treatment. its as though he knew he was about to skip school, he started vomitting and having diarrheoa. he vomitted all over his bedsheet, pillowcase and duvet. all over his pajamas that it had to be changed 3 times. and as though he knew his mummy had planned to take the day off, he gave her an extra load of laundry to do.
we started the day late because i had a terrible headache from lack of sleep. i settled the laundry first, bathed ariff and akmal and gave them simple breakfast. we left home around 10am, stopped by kelana idaman leaving akmal screaming at the door of his daycare.
then we went off to 1utama. first on my list was to give the car a good washdown and polish - its way overdue, just like ariff's day off. i asked ariff what he would like to do, the movies, art work, eat. but he was happy just sitting from one car ride to another. then we walked over to parkson and looked at the toys on display (mainly because its on the way to the stationary section). ariff decided on some matchbox cars to bring home.
then we walked for a bit and stopped by newyork deli for an early lunch. ariff didnt want to eat and decided on just pancake and plain water. he was more interested in playing with his new toys and scribbling on the note book he just bought. finally we went to cold storage to get some groceries for the weekend cooking session - this was what ariff loved the most. he was asking about everything on the shelves and everything i put in the trolley. he loved it.
by 1pm, we started out journey home. ariff looked tired and my headache was terrible, both of us wanted to just go home and sleep.
i do know why we seldom take ariff out. he's terrible and refuse to listen. he wants to wander around by himself. but a couple of hours out is not too bad. ariff loved the attention he got, when his abangs returned home from school he was proudly showing off his new toys and telling them that he went to 1utama with mummy all by himself. maybe asyraf next month?

1 comment:
muka syok habis tu ariff!! hahahaha
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