we celebrated amir's 6th birthday 20 days ago. he has been doing his own personal countdown to him turning 6 for the longest time. mainly because we always said we'll be in london when he turns 6 so he became excited to reach both milestone, being in london and turning 6. so when the day finally came, a week after we came home, he was mightily relieved.
we bought a simple cake for amir. we drove around KD area and drove past a bakery. good thing they had a boy-themed cake at 11am and the size was just nice. amir thought i ordered it beforehand so yeay for the bakery. we took the cake to silverspoons and had a small-singing, cake-cutting and mask-wearing time. amir went back happy, knowing he finally turned 6 (because u never grow until you actually have a candle-blowing session) and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

that night amir had a surprise visit from tizu, auntie jee, uncle andy and azrul who came to see him after his operation and to celebrate his birthday with him. amir was shocked and couldn't contain his embarassment, initially but was tremendously happy with the attention he got on his birthday.

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