so with 4 boys in tow, hubby and i need to be prepared. we cant have the 'so where to now...' conversation or the 'what to have for lunch...' question. with the weather being so cold and us being out for hours each day, we'd have to make things as smooth as possible. if not there would be tears and screams and majorly annoyed parents.
so this is where my booklet comes in. my blood, sweat and tears for one year. and frankly, i'm pretty darn happy with my work. i just hope we stick to what has been planned...

siap divider lagi haha...

Tak tahan tengok ehehhehe ...but i know u memang jenis tak pelik lah kan...psstt...baper kali revised nieh? hahahhaha
wahhhh udah siap..amat jeles ok
mmg sgt organized..good..good.. :-)
nak gi tempat org..bwk anak2 semer..mmg kena plan btol2 kan.kalau bleh taknak 1 pon bagi anak2 takde mood..hahaha..kalau tak..habis laa..:))
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