
Sunday, November 07, 2010

My Aim to always have home-cooked food on the table for the boys. i'm very envious of those (moms or dads) who can whip up dishes for their children in a jiffy. i do like cooking, i especially love seeing the pictures from recipe books come to life on in my kitchen. but i'm not there yet. i dont cook on a daily basis, i dont even cook on a weekly basis. i would love to, but its not viable yet for us.

that's why i take great pleasure in planning a weekend of cooking. i know some would say 'itu pun kena plan ke' but for us, yes. we plan the grocery list as we need to be quick about it with 4 terrorists in tow, we also need to buy only necessary ingredients as the next time we cook may be weeks after that. we plan the menu so that we have a bit of everything over the couple of days. we plan so that we dont waste something that is rare for us.

over the past couple of months, hubby and i have been getting an itch to cook. getting the groceries itself is already exciting. the cooking is another thing altogether. seeing the boys enjoy their food is the icing on the cake. giant is great when you leave by 10am while cold storage is great all-around.

the dishes we manage to serve for the boys. lauks like chili crabs, ayam & ikan percik (gasp! they're easy to make), sayur with udang & sayur with sotong (the boys call them octopus).

mexican baked eggs - so easy!
brown minced meat (the recipe calls for refriend beans in the recipe but i altered. put the meat in a square baking pan. top with sour cream and cheese. make 4 indents. break 4 eggs in each quarter. add salsa around it. bake for 15/20 minutes. serve with leftover salsa and sour cream

macaroni soup - a break-away from the normal baked pasta menu
sautee minced onion and crushed garlic. add diced potato and arrots, beef and mushroom. leave til soft. add water. add pasta (boil pasta separately). add herbs (oregano, mixed herbs, rosemary) and season

simple steak
marinade steak with black pepper sauce, mixed herbs, oregano, rosemary, salt, pepper & olive oil. grill for 10 minutes each side. serve with cherry tomato, boiled eggs, romaine lettuce & cheese salad

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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