i initially recommended to zu who was going for safari theme for arsyad's playroom and it was on sale but she didnt like it (because the picture didnt do it justice) so i decided to take it instead. it was quite large, not the normal 6 inch border, and it had the 4 colours of the boys.
painting the room took only three hours. tiza recomended the people who were doing her shop. the next day, while the cleaners were around, we asked for their help to move the tv cabinets. just a simple coat of paint, surround the room with a colouful border and move the furniture around and it looks brand new. with the new furniture arrangement, the room looks more spacious. there's separate areas for toys, for the boys' school items, for us to pray and for akmal to have his susu.
hubby has yet to put up the IKEA lack shelves that i bought. i want to put 4 shelves at the end wall to put our family photos. we used to put it above the tv cabinet but it would fall behind the cabinet when the boys climb up next to the tv or bang close the door.
with that room completed, the home makeover / renovation work would be put on hold for a while. the next project would be our room (and maybe the living room as both need similar work done) and doing them requires time, effort and money, all of which we do not have in abundance at the moment. i hope we can do some work before the end of the year but i'm not putting my hopes up too high. i'm happy with the outcome of the three rooms.
the room before...

after the minor makeover...
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