we seldom go out to a mall on weekends. we do go out, but very rarely. taking all 4 out can be a challange and takes a lot of energy. time, not so much cos we plan where to go and what to buy and what to eat, beforehand. and we never spend more than 3 hours at a mall. more than that is just time-wasting. if i need to get anything for myself or for the boys, i'd do it during a working day or when i'm on my off day. going out shopping with the boys is just ridiculous.
after many, many saturdays of not going anywhere - with the retreat and hubby's weekend events - we finally made plans to visit one utama yesterday. main agenda was for hubby to shop for his trip next week. once that was done, we just walked around a bit. when the crowd started getting bigger, we stopped for lunch then a quick pit stop at parkson to buy a car each for the boys then we went home. all in 3 hours, bringing only a bottle of milk and 2 diapers (which we didnt use). not bad...soon it'll be none of those baggages anymore.
all ready to go...

we wanted to leave earlier but our wonderful neighbour sent over some spaghetti...alhamdulillah

the kecoh boys and i...

lunching at chilis. hubby had ny strip steak, i had chicken tacos and the boys had hot diggity...

ariff so happy after getting the car...

home sweet home. ariff tired from his dancing...

i love the pictures so muchhhhhhhh.....
cantik dan menyentuh jiwaaaaaa...erk
gambar plak di komennya..but pictures mmg membawa seribu makna
ila...ada org pinjam lens baru. tu yg gi one utama pun sibuk bawak camera hahahah
i can imagine the four boys walking together, when my kids were smaller, it was tough to do any outings, once they are bigger, outings are more fun!
pakwe baju biru gelap tu suka betul buat mata juling ye... cheeky amir ;-). terhibur 4 eai
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