my blog is so boring. honestly, it is. i commented in my last entry that i really dont know who read my entries. sometimes, when i read back, i'd cringe and go...errkkk...did i write that?! as ariff would say 'mayuuuuuu...'
i'm not a writer...i'm not a dreamer. i know there's some bloggers out there who live a separate life while blogging (oh...i'm sooo tempted to name names here but i wont stoop that low). i know there's some who brag about their work, their life, their purchases but behind they cry, they whine about how miserable they are, about how much 'little' money they have (arggghhhh... again i sooooo am tempted to link their blogs here).
i rue the circumstances where i came into contact with them, i feel like washing myself everytime i 'ter-click' on links that lead to them. they shouldnt affect me, seriously but they do. for a while i didnt want to blog. i felt that a lot of readers, a lot of genuine writers are being penalised because of these 'wanna-be' bloggers, who write things out of their imagination to cover their insecurities, to cover their real lives, to cover their shortfalls.
hence, my blog started becoming inactive towards end of last year. but then i realise, the reason i opened this blog was for my boys. i wanted to pen down what they did, what the learn, what they teach me, what i go through for them, because of them. and these people shouldnt ever have an effect on my life.
so to start the new year (in february), i'll renovate my blog. the formatting in my earlier entries will run because i am so not IT-savvy and i'm stopping myself from editing them hah! i'll be strong and put up my invisible shield. my advise to the readers out there (if there is any) - jangan lah terpedaya dengan gambar-gambar handbag, kasut, kereta yang cantik ye...ehem ehem. not everything you think is nice and beautiful are actually that!
on a side note - another renovation of some sort will take place next month, insyaallah. more on that later-later...
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
hai kakak... i read ur blog... never leave a comment before but i am one of ur reader... i like the way u handle ur boys without maid... i can mostly understand ape yg dibebelkan coz i have 2 boys.. bila rasa penat or tak terlayan anak2 i selalu terpikir u ade 4 boleh jek handle... mine baru 2... hehe kinda bagi semangat pada i..
keep on blogging about ur boys... and the way u handle them.. and i also like the way u make a list for everything..
howdy. welcome back. it'll be a loss if you stop writing. same, i've been following ur blog as an inspiration of parenting. what we buys, what we use it doesn't matter, if it suits our kids BUT how are we handling the kids..that's what i love to learn from other parents too.
Your reason for blogging is so so valid and good. Blogging about your kids is a really good way to leave a legacy. Bet they will appreciate it when they are older. Would be a shame if you quite bloggin. Continue blogging, and by the way, your blog was many things but boring wasn't it at all!!!
yelah lately ni jarang posting kan sally...
i lurve to read about my 'menakan' 4 org tu...
hehehe... hidup supermommy!
haihhh..saya sgt suka membaca..tapi sangat menulis..ehehe..yang penting tulis dengan niat yg ikhlas suci murni..ape lagi erk? lagi tersentoh rather than just talk about beli itu beli ini.. dapat itu dapat ini..ahahha..sbb tu la my blog sebulan sekali nak hapdet pon adooo..ehehe
pape pon i miss all for boys tu..huhu, can wait to see them all :D
you couldn't be more right! I stopped blogging for awhile as I was doing some soul searching and the main reason why i love blogging, now that I found it, blogging became more fun!
akak, baru jer saya nak korek2 email saya yg dolu2 nak carik email add akak..sbb hari tu bukak blog akak protected plak.. dah bersedih hati nih..skali hari ni try bukak, yahoo..dah ada citer.. happy nyer.. jangan la close.. keep on writing.. saya siap promote lagik blog akak ke member2 saya..ckp akak ni superwoman.. best baca about your boys yg comel, if akak nak private kan your blog one day, jangan lupa saya tau..
thanks all...baru semangat skit nak tulis. erkk...not that i wrote that entry to get syok sendiri comments ye hehehe
rina...hi. thanks for posting for the first time. ish...mmg penat handle anak2 ni. but it'll just be for a while. pejam celik tengok2 dah besar dah.
ain...thanks for the lovely words. honestly made my day :)
ets...thanks. i didnt know i could write, but then considering i talk a lot (you would know that! - considering the late nights we used to have kan?)
cujie...akan try be more active. anak2 pun makin besar, dah more time nak menulis balik. hehehe...
zam...itu lah, kena ikhlas then baru best baca kan. kalau asyik baca pasal marah, moody, pun boring jugak kan?
liza...i think i should stop blog hopping. tu yg buat i sakit hati, reading about people's 'dream life' hahaha...
aisha...of course will include you if i ever private kan my blog. i know aisha slalu leave comments kan. thanks a lot for reading :)
I've been reading your blog for quite me, I really adore how you handle four boys singlehandedly (without maid of course). I have a maid but lost all my privacy at home.
I also try to shy away from blogs that make me feel inferior about myself....that I don't make enough money...that I don't breastfeed my baby long enough, yadda yadda. In the end, I realise I'm the one who's living my life and no one should dictate what I should do (though constructive comments and advice are welcomed).
I believe everyone has another alter ego when it comes to blogwritting. It depends on the reader to take it seriously or not ;)
Hi Sally, thank you coz u still link my blog to your blog & singgah @ my blog eventhough tak ada apa sangat cerita yg menarik kat my blog tu...
i pun bukan seorang penulis yg baik... misi utama bukak blog sendiri pun lebih kepada mengingati peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan lebih2 lagi pasal anak2.... entry2 selingan tu biasalah kan...kalau x..langsung la tak berupdate pulak...Org tak komen kat blog i pun takpe..yg penting menulis utk kepuasan diri sendiri.
Apa2 pun teruskan berblog ok.. I tetap akan singgah dan baca :)
hi amira...true what you said. but alter ego doesnt mean being pretentious kan. dont make things all rosy because you want followers but off-blog you have nothing to show grrr...
erin...thank you for being my faithful reader...
kan makcik?? I pun dah stopped blogging. And I agree banyak org with split personality in this world. Tunjuk purchases ribu2 in their blog but for what?
Btw, happy belated birthday to Akmal. How time flies so fast. I nie bila?? haha
Mary J
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