i went out to wisma yakin on friday to get the boys' purple baju melayu. on tuesday, the teacher passed me the boys' yellow baju that she made. the boys were excited...surprisingly they wanted to wear the sampin as well. last year only asyraf wore.
note - akmal has his yellow and purple baju too, but he was asleep when his abangs tried out their baju.
aisha / jaja...si ariff tu bukan je lagi besar or nampak matured dari asyraf, but dia also kuat buli abang dia. mentang2 badan besar mcm batu hehehe
pinkwatch...thank you. eid mubark to you and your loved ones too.
lia...sampin tu courtesy of gerai2 jalan TAR. the only gerai we found selling sampin for under 1 year olds. then bought bigger sizes for akmal's brothers.
eii anak2 sapa handsome2 nih..tak berkelip nanti si gadis2 kecik tengok tiga teruna kecik ni bersampin dan baju melayu di hari raya..hehe..tu lum letak songkok..hehe..
salam sis.. lama tk singgah ur blog bkn main ensem lg ur boys huh..dgn bj melayunye..kepala sama je gondolnye..bgs tu.. btw nk ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri..maaf zahir dan batin buat u n ur fmly.. :)
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
alahaiiii.. sooo cute! who says little boys can't dress up!
akak..comel nyer.. arief tu mcm lagik besar dr asyraf dah la..
awwwwwwwwwww.. bless them!!
Eid Mubarak to eiseai and family!
my god! adorable betul mat2 bertiga nih. especially yg perasan mcm big boy tuh. serius! ariff nampak lagi matured dari asyraf lah =)
berkenan kat sampin ur boys, cantik corak dia, where did u get those? eh tak aci nak juga
waaa..so handsome
dieya...that's why! :)
aisha / jaja...si ariff tu bukan je lagi besar or nampak matured dari asyraf, but dia also kuat buli abang dia. mentang2 badan besar mcm batu hehehe
pinkwatch...thank you. eid mubark to you and your loved ones too.
lia...sampin tu courtesy of gerai2 jalan TAR. the only gerai we found selling sampin for under 1 year olds. then bought bigger sizes for akmal's brothers.
egain...thank u :)
comelnya the three stooges ni...sure meriah raya tahun ni
smart seyyyyyyy...
kak sally ,sy suka kaler kuning tuh..mmg nampak ensemm derang :)
nak komen lagi jugaakkk, comeynyaaaa.
nanti auntie fadz kasi duit raya eh, pastu claim ngan mummy. ehehehe.
eii anak2 sapa handsome2 nih..tak berkelip nanti si gadis2 kecik tengok tiga teruna kecik ni bersampin dan baju melayu di hari raya..hehe..tu lum letak songkok..hehe..
puan akak salina...
ila nak tukar yellow this year...ada lagikah baju2 yellow di luar sana..huhuhu...
comel nye ... pandai nye cikgu buat baju melayu..
alahai kak, comeinya tgk the boys sedondon gitu. tema kitorg pn purple gak.. pantang pn balun beraya haha!
wah ensem ar adik2 ni pakai baju melayu + pala motak, leh join la ngan abg2 nieh nnt ek same2 motak ye ;)
salam sis..
lama tk singgah ur blog
bkn main ensem lg ur boys huh..dgn bj melayunye..kepala sama je gondolnye..bgs tu..
btw nk ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri..maaf zahir dan batin buat u n ur fmly..
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