
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Story of Pangkor Getaway

planning this getaway was easy. we wanted to take the new car out of the city but we didnt want to go too far. i searched for a place to get away to and came up with pangkor. hubby wasnt to keen. he said its not nice and it wasnt so easy getting over there - the ferry crossing, mainly. i did some research, asked a few people and managed to convince him (not fully though but just enough).

so once the ker-ching came in, i made the bookings, printed the pictures, listed the clothes to bring and bought the necessary items (sunscreen, travel-size toileteries etc).

we didnt tell the boys as they'd be bugging us with 'bila nak pegi hotel' question. when they slept on saturday night, i started packing and hubby put the bags in the car. we travel extremely light this time - 1 small trolley bag, 1 backpack, 1 diaper bag and 1 bag of toys. i didnt even bring a lot of diapers and the dvd players. hubby wanted to bring a stroller but i thought it would be a nuisance instead of helping. so akmal was carried in a sling, which was much better.

we started the journey at 9:30am sunday morning (after 1 load of laundry...i cant miss that). we got to lumut around 12:30pm & had a quick lunch at kfc. syerah, en zainul & ms lana came by with some long-awaited cheesetarts (sungguh lah sedappp) we took the 2pm ferry and got to the island at 2:30pm.

when we got to the room, i unpacked and got the boys to sleep. getting akmal to nap wasnt as easy, so we sat on the balcony with him. when the boys got up, it was swimming time. we spent 2 hours in the pool before hauling them up for their bath and dinner.

the next morning was spent at the beach. ariff wasnt too keen but amir and asyraf were having the time of their lives. then its naptime, hubby and i managed to get some peace and quiet while the boys napped. after lunch, it was pool-time again.

the getaway was was so nicely planned. from the budgeting, to the timing, to the boys' mood, right down to the amount of formula and diapers brought. we came back even lighter than we left, rested, darker and with a full memory card.

next trip - tioman?


gEe Eunjo said...

sronok kn dpt bwk anak2 brcuti..tgk anak hepi penat pun ilang...
sis...mokmok tu steady je gee nengok..

b_kim said...

ehem ehem using short listing aaaa eehehhh... mmg best arr... so hepi to see the kids enjoy thmselvs... parent pun nampak lebih rileks stop...tioman eh?? :D

Liasari said...

wahhh u made it ye... u got the mazda mpv. wow, i want one too!
i like pangkor, very quite and peaceful (at least ms i went for my honeymoon lah). i wanted to bring my children there, duduk kat the same chalet ms honeymoon but it was ripped down few years ago...huhu now nothing to show them xcept some photos.

next stop tioman? been planning to go there tapi tulah asyik plan je manjang perginya tak jugal

dieya said...

waaaahh u've made it to pangkor with all the boys! congrats supermum!!!

mummy aryan syamil said...

supermummy la kak sally

i love it:)


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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