anyway, we went to dsh to see the peadiatric surgeon today. he was not available yesterday when hubby took amir for his first dressing. the supposed appointment was at 11am but we only got to see him at almost 12pm. amir was ok at first. he spoke nicely to dr razak. but when the doctor peeled off the bandage from his palm, he started screaming tutup tutup. the skin was already stuck to the bandage.

the doctor decided to close up, bring him up to the operating theatre and clean him up there. he said it would be better if he was given artificial skin rather than a dressing that needed to be changed on a daily basis. the skin would take longer to heal that way. as he'll be under GA, the doctor suggested circumcision and we quickly said yes. hubby has been toying with the idea for a couple of months now as amir keep saying he itches.
so we waited to be admitted. hubby went off for friday prayers. the insurance company and the hospital took a long time to admit us and amir fell asleep on my lap while waiting.

we were called up to the day ward at 2:30pm. amir needed to be prepared to enter the OT. i wore the cap and gown but he refused. so the doctor brought him in fully dressed. i followed them into OT1. the anesthetists (who gave me the epidural during amir & asyraf's delivery) put a mask on amir's face. the surgeon spoke to amir for a while. then i saw his eyes slowly closing. the mask was removed and i was informed he was already asleep. i gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him with the 2 doctors (crying, obviously - when do i not cry when it comes to the boys?)
i waited at the day ward. got a bit emotional, being alone.

20 minutes of silence went by before i was called by the nurse. amir's out from the OT. i went in, trying desperately to remain composed. saw amir on the bed, still asleep. the nurse removed the blanket to show me amir's hand. the bandage has been removed but it was all red and raw. the doctor will leave it like that, no bandage is nesscary. i was scared looking at it. how he supposed to just walk around like that?

amir opened his eyes and smiled occasionally. he asked for water and the nurse wanted me to monitor him before giving him food as he may throw up. he didnt and after 30 minutes he was able to eat. when we finally got back to his room, he was given a slice of cake (which he quickly gobbled down) and ate biscuits that i had packed for school.

the surgeon came to visit amir at about 6pm. he said the painkiller hasnt fully worn off but if amir starts feeling pain, he'll be given more painkiller. hubby's keeping him company at the hospital. amir's circumcision is healing well, according to hubby, and he's been given a round of painkiller and is sleeping soundly.
alhamdulillah...everything went well.
alhamdulillah. lega tgk amir dah leh makan biskut :) pic amir paling bwh skali tu, mcm tak sakit je. ke, bius tu tak off lagi? :D
cepat sembuh amir ye!
kesian tgk amir..huhu. sure nak come out tear ni..hehehe (over tol aku ni). hope amir cepat sembuh yer.
Bergenang air mata okeyyy tengok tangan dia tu. Tapi nampak ceria masa makan biskut tu, rasa ok sket. Cepat sembuh Amir.
Sakitnya..sian Amir..semoga cepat sembuh ye Amir..
amir dearie,get well soon..auntie speechless bila tgk pic2-sally,terkejut bukak2 blog u nmpk tgn amir mcm tu..but lega baca e'thing is ok already,i baca i pulak bergenang air mata,like u said lah,when it comes into anak2 punya matter,mmg cpt rasa sebak,hope amir sembuh cpt..
makcik, nasib u tabah. I seriau giler tengok amir punya tangan tu. takpelah, boys memang selalu banyak kisah luka-luka nie. dah besar nanti ok. talking from my brothers' experiences. hahaha.
anyway, may you cepat sembuh ye Amir!
amir, auntie pun rasa nak teriak tgk tangan amir. sakit tu!
get well soon amir.
mummy sally be strong ok :-)
Alhamdullillah, everything went well nad happy to see amir smiling again.. :-)
nanti cepat sembuh, kiter g jln jln.. sorry, uncle andy bizi.. (tanyer mummy, uncle slalu bizi tau)
sally, sorry for the delay in issuing the GL from our #$%#$%.
jgn nangis k... amir good boy k...
ngerinya tengok tangan amir tu
semoga cepat sembuh ye sayang...
felt responsible coz i was the only 1 there - syam ciggy downstair, tisu tidur, mummy with ariff in her room...
n it happened so cepat...i turned away 4 a few seconds je...
i told amir sorry already...he said takpe...
kita doakan amir cpt sembuh ... be strong kak ;-)
OMG! i was so shocked when i saw Amir's hand.. OMG! i nie jenis yangtak boleh tengok bloddd etc..
OMG.. Pray for speedy recovery for Amir.. take car amir!
I'm sure he'll be good again in no time. Children always heal better than adults cause we adults are major wimps! And Amir is no ordinary kid I'm sure :-)
Wasn't dr razak such a good surgeon? He operated on my son's hernia and did the circumcision too. I love the day we took the time to explain and answer our questions, understanding very well that kadang2 parents yang lebih gelabah than children lol! And he visited us in the ward no less than twice a day. Clearly very dedicated and committed.
Oh goshhhh. I baru je baca. I just hope that he will get better n well soon. Don't worry salina, insyAllah he'll get better soon.
Js, sorry sgt2..I baru je dpt tau pasal apa yg berlaku pd Amir ni masa on my way back to home(dlm satu shuttle dgn Kak Nolie dr Office) dia yg bgtau I pasal Amir tu. Semoga Amir cepat sembuh ye. Bila kenang balik apa yg berlaku pd Amir ni..mengingatkan I apa yg pernah berlaku pd Qistina masa dia 7mths old dulu. Ingat tak dia pernah kena air panas pd betis kanan dia...mcm tu lah apa yg I lalui bila berdepan dgn situasi kena mengadap dia meronta2 & menangis bila doctor nak buat dressing. Mmg tak sampai hati sgt tgk. Bila tgk tapak tgn Amir yg kemerahan tu, mmg buat I teringat balik insiden tu. Tapi takpe...kulit budak akan mudah sembuh. Sama-samalah kita semua mendoakan Amir cepat sembuh ye..
feel so sorry to amir... semoga dia cepat sembuh and main mcm biasa...
kak sally and husband, semoga tabah menghadapi situasi ini...
salute kat akak, kalau nuri, nuri pengsan dah kot, sbb takut tgk luka...
I hope he is ok now....i can feel your pain as well, your crying and etc. I can still remember how you cried in school those days ;p
but you have been braved, I didnt even dare to go to the OT when both my children circumcised, takut I cry marah Dr and etc...ini kan lagi Amir going for his surgery...
Bless you all.
i cant imagine what u went through! nak pengsan aku kalo kulit dok tercabut ni.. aiyerrrr;p
he's a strong kid and u r a strong mom. things like this only will only make you and your relationship with your kid stronger.. syabbbaaaass inspector sahab!;)
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