the notes at the side spoilt my news. before i announced, the annoucement have been made for me. ah well...its ok, small matter.
anyway, it wasnt expected. i was on the pill until may. i missed a month and had my last period in june. i dont even know the exact date as i wasnt keeping track. missed pills got us eai number 4 (we're praying hard for another eai). i was about 4 days late when i bought the tester. hubby said it was a waste of $23, i think he thought i was just ate! i tested late at night, after a can of coke and yet the double line was as obvious as the sun.
so there...another one for the family. we were shocked...extremely shocked. hubby turned to ariff who was crawling on the mattress and started laughing. i was already thinking about a new car.
that was 2 weeks ago, today i had my first checkup. i missed my gynae, who i saw on a monthly basis since 2004 (bar 2005). she wasnt angry - she wasnt too happy when i showed up bearing the news of ariff last year. she said...its ok, you're still young. yeah right...i'm almost 33!
i told her i think i'm about 8 weeks along. she confirmed it when she scanned. we saw the baby's heartbeat. its no longer just a dot, the head and body has formed. my boys 'showed' themselves when they were 13 weeks old - and my gynae confirmed it at 17 weeks. so another 10 weeks before i'm at ease.
since i did my test on 31 july, hubby and i had a lot of talking and planning done. we are changing a few things and we're still keeping other things the same. the car needs to be upgraded, the tv needs to be moved outside but we'll still be maidless and the boys will still attend the same daycare (the teachers were the few first people who found out and they're seriously happy!)
so far, i'm reminded of myself when i was carrying amir. i'm eating a lot - just as i did 4 years ago. i have the occasional nauseas attack and i've thrown up a couple of times but all in all its ok. still energetic, still with appetitie, still not a fan of rice and noodles (be it mi, mihun or kuey teow). some things dont change, at least i know what to expect.
quite a lot of people are quick to go 'oh it must be a girl this time' when i say i threw up but i had throwing up session during my last 3 pregnancies. i'm not excluded from that. but i dont get all sickly and all lembiky. i go to the loo, i throw up, i wash my mouth and i can eat again. its ok...its no biggie...and it happened! so please spare the 'oh its different this time...' comments ye?
hubby and i have, at 10:08am today, decided on the baby's name. i had a whole list prepared but hubby narrowed my choices because he wanted not only an A but also an R in the first name to follow amir, asyraf and ariff. the I came to us earlier this week. ariff is also now known as 'abang adik' by me and i think hubby is slowly using that name too.
so here's to 32 weeks of bliss.

p/s amir, sorry...its not going to be baby afiq.
gelak2 I baca nie.. wah dah nak 4 dah kan? anyway, I'm so happy for u! congrats makcik!
congrate kak...
bertambah lagi umat Nabi Muhammad..Alhamdulillah
waahhh congrattss!!! i'm so happy for you the more the merrier right?? :p
ina..i macam berenti jap heart beat baca nie..then i without realising i dah smile sendiri, congrates woman..hey no worries of what the outcome will be, girl boy sama jer kan, asalkan sempurna beb..hope u sail through this pregnancy smoothly..i mmg sah tak terkejar u dah ina..u mmg dpt anugerah super duper woman nie..lay out pun dh change to the brighter kaler..merrier kan..hihihi.
I know you want a whole soccer team, so congratulations to you and your family :)
I could never juggle many kids, tia is a handful enough to me.
I wish I could be like you. You make it all look sooooo easy tau.
Tia would love sorang adik kot heh heh...
maria...ingat lagi time i pregnant ngan amir kan? it feels like such a long time ago...
acik / mom2que...thanks :)
zie...bukan heart u je yg stop kejap. kitorg ni lagi lah. macam going through slow motion malam tu. haiyooo...manyak takut woo. layout ni...hehehe...thanks to my friend, dia yg buatkan. ceria skit kan?
mar...ogosh...we're so tired mar! nak cakap, tak nak of course its not nice. but i do wish i have help, other than hubby. sometimes its nice to just let go. but then again, if its not me yang penat, who else should penat right? we're the parents after all. hehehe...tia would make a great big sis :)
alhamdulillah rezeki...
take care
Akak!! Wow!!! Excited giler saya baca.. hehehe.. yeay!!! abang adik nak dapat another adik.. a very cute one!!! happy for you la akak.. nampak gaya lepas ni akak kena tambah satu lagik blog for adik.. hehehhe..take care akak!
whoaaaa!i baca title,i ingt u main2,sally,congrats!komfem harapan i nak catch up ngan u hanya tinggal impian,u r waaaay to far bebeh,at 33 no 4 is coming!i at 30 baru terkial2 no 2!ada tak pertandingan utk supermom,kalau ada komfem u lah dlm fikiran i,takde org lain dah-hope u have the smooth one,i pray for another boy for u,i tahu ur desire to perform ur own soccerteam,congratsss again sally!
Sally, I was so happy when I saw the comment on your facebook, I wish I have your strength for me to have another one, memang rasa nak sangat another baby but I nie tak seorganise and serajin you, you're a great mom and congrats for the continueous blessing from Allah!
fuh!!! i agree ngn mar. i nak juggle iman yg mencabar keimanan tuh pun i dah xtahan.
but hats off to u guys who managed it all the while. i know it takes a lot of effort.
i doakan u have another boy. AMIN!!
p/s: baby Amin?? :D
kak sally..congratulations... hope you have smooth and happy pregnancy..
you are really a super mom indeed!
saya yang dua orang boy skrg pon tak menang tangan dibuatnyer...
InsyaAllah Allah permudahkan semuanya.
Starts with A and must have 'r' ermmm apa ya ...arman..armin..amrin..airil
terkejut but i am happy for u..
mmg meriah lps ni..and i still tabik spring kat u...
i, 2 org skrg ni rasa cam nak pengsan
aminnnn .. finally ada gak updates about the good news .. i pray for u & baby .. okies ..cheerrr up .. heppiii for u ;-)
kak sally...congrate!!
like to read ur blog sbbpe tau..ur title tu slalu je use catchy tittle..sound menarik jee..hehehe
anyway, am also happy for u sis..u r such a really superb mum la!..
ooppss lg satu nk layout huh..sweet n nice!
kak sally...virus semakin menjadi2..doakan zura sekali kata doa ibu mengandung ni lbh afdal..heheh..
aisha...haaa. adik dah nak jadik abang adik. another blog kena maintain...sob sob
mar...mana ada supermom. we're just taking in one day at a time. so far, alhamdulillah, we can still manage with no helpers. thank heavens too for our daycare.
normal...maybe lepas you move, mana tau :)
nad thanks. no, its not going to be amin.
ald...thank u for the wishes. hehehe...we also thought we couldnt handle more than 1, tapi alhamdulillah, boleh...
butterflutter...nope nope nope and nope. i do love the name airil though. kan gee :)
kaezrin...thanks. looking forward to seeing you and your boys on sunday.
diana...update lambat ni. at first tak nak cerita pun. tapi good news kan, why keep them to ourselves.
gee...hahaha...catchy ke title? heh...kadang2 tak tau nak tulis apa pun. ok kan layout? ni erin yg buat...thanks again erin :)
zura...insyaallah. i doakan for you...
huwarghhh adakah cujie ni org yang paling last tahu ni...
congratulation kakakku... kekeke so another 'A' will coming. Memang Sally pujaan ramai... bila tengok blog ni, semua naik semangat!
take care huh...
That's what I thought :D
Congrats and hat off to you (am soon running out of hat)
hahahaha... congrattsss to u (again)
i pray for u...
sian ariff, kene jadik abang di usia muda.. hahahaha...
takpe.. rezeki kan..
sally, congrats.. another eai yeah!
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