main target met. goodbye evo...

got a few things for the boys. promised each one a new toy. promise was made by me to me. i dont make a habit of buying toys for the boys, the occasional cars and balls here and there. i dont really like spending on toys unless they are educational. for those i would spulrge...the exersaucer, the leapfrog reader, a few fisher price items.
initially i only bought for amir & asyraf. but yells were heard when i brought home amir's thomas...yells from asyraf & hubby (who said...if you get a thomas for amir, you have to get a thomas for asyraf). so asyraf's toy was given to ariff and asyraf got another thomas.

some clothes for the boys. nothing more than $15 each. sandals for asyraf & socks for ariff.

a new car seat for big boy ariff. the car looks organised now.

new mattress for my elder two since they cant fit on one mattress.

and this for me. omigod...this is sooo not a good thing. can i now work from home?

i ader weakness on baju bajan erkkk?? but on Pj's i dah dpt solution...even anakku pun mahal..i go for JJ punyer rm10 sepsang and materials way better than anakku...murah but quality wise bagus giller ...
welcome to the dark side of having a berry, letih ler, takde privacy even masa tgh holidaying(got such word ahh??)
Oh my..u ada blackberry??!!!huwaaaa!sgt terliur i tgk!i bet ur bonus adalah dabomb,after all the good things u bought for the boys,there's still some left for ur berry,wah!B i nak cover berry shj pun tak lepas huhu!
selly, lama i tak komen sini..
wohoo.. itu 3 anak, 3 carseats kene ada, lepas ni kalau ada baby lagi, kene beli mpv la! yeay!
eh i dah invite u tru your yahoo account tapi apsal tak accept2 pun?
welcome to the work that u have to do althou u are not at work but u still need to work and the work will still teman u where ever u gooooOOOOooo
weeehuuu .. skalie kak sally beli utk diri sendiri blackberryy mariii .. cayalah ... santek2 baju utk 3 boys nie ... comel ...
ps : good decision .. my azam tahun baru awal 2008 pun sama .. CANCEL cc .. dah tak guna dah .. even org offer freee ... x moooo .. i buna Debit kad jer skrg ... x der duit senyap jerrr ;-)
wow... sekali shopping hah amik... shopping sampai lebam tu
mesti the kiddos very happy... got new toys and new bajussss
Fuyoo! Bestnye pergi shopping spree. Just had a chat with hubby and he told me that dah lama sgt we do not shop for the kids (for us, lagilah lama). They've run out of pjs..and some baju santai. Guess we are having somesort of financial constraint here with house reno and what not...minyak naik pulak tu! I'm still waiting for my B..kotlah boleh shopping mcm u. I need retail therapy for my stressful life these days..ahhh...
*sigh*...where is my so called B nih...
welcome to BB club - where works follows you everywhere
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