...is my friend when i'm alone at home
...loves talking when he's in the mood and says "diam lah" when he's not
...loves his brothers on his "on days" and pushes them on his "off"
...adores mickey mouse
...does the cutest ultraman impersonation (even though i hate ultraman)
...eats like there's no tomorrow
...makes up the funniest words
...knows to say "kejap lah" to his mummy
...follows his mummy's 'pe-cet' and rolling eyes
...memorises the way to his new school on his second day
...sings ariff to sleep
...is the biggest tell-a-tale
...kicks everyone in his sleep
...still is not toilet-trained
...scolds ariff for putting his fingers in his mouth, but does it himself
...has started a new hobby of throwing his toys from the window
...is very fickle of the vcd he watches
...is very choosy with people
...wants a "happy day mickey mouse..."
...is three today!
happy birthday amir!
that toothy grin is so cute :)
Happy 3rd birthday cheeky amir!auntie suka tgk pic amir esp yg tertido tepi dinding tu,comellll!!
u've emade me cry with that post of yours. I cant believed how grown he is. I've seen him grew up (well not all the time)but i've always had my set on this cheeky fella..his updates and what he picked up along the way.
Cant u just stay small and cute all your life? isk isk.
huhhuhuu..auntie Nad emo..
Happy Birthday darling.
May Allah bless you and please please please please be a good boy to your parents and an even better abg long from this day forward.
i tau mesti ada special entry untuk amir today..hehe
HAPPY BDAY to my cheeky eai#1.
datang umah auntie lagi nanti bukak shades yer...
Happy Birthday Amir!
You are one cute and kewl lil boy...
When i saw Amir's pic yang kena "sun bathing" tuu i teringat kat Adnan..
a handsome boy
happy birthday to you
moga jd abang yang baik..anak yang soleh ye....
time flies so fast
three years has passed since the day
and I can't get enough of seeing you grow
even though just from your mummy's words of wisdom and sorrow
I am proud to know a one little boy
whose tale is full of pride and joy
Happy birthday Amir! And enjoy your Mickey Mouse Day!
Lots of love,
Uncle Hafiz and Auntie Maya
happy bday amir..! ;)
HAPPY 3rd BETDAY AMIR !!!..hope u will always be a 'defender' and makes mummy and daddy always proud. Muahhhsssss from far ;)..among sumer anak2 u ina, amir really has such a cheeky face kan..hihihi..or is it he has that kind of grin - yg sooo cheeky, cant imagine how he would turn out to be in 20 years time..hihihi..alaaaa tapi i sungguh kesian lah tgk die last pics tu, and time die wearing that oxygen..tu nebulizer ka??
uhh and by the way..this year it is such a nice number ek 08.01.08..may it also be blessed in everyway..and 2 days after amir's betday afia will only turn 28 mos..:)
happy birthday my dear amir, wishing you all the happiness in the world. cayang amir...
happy birthday abang long... muahhhs geram tgk amir yang chubby masa kecik, lagi geram tgk amir yg cheeky.
may u be bless always.
lots of love from auntie lia, fahmi & yaya
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