
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today's The Day

its out!! been waiting for chills watching the trailer. even amir's been asking for it.

even at the gold class (our first time in there...gasp!!) its sold out. but at least the boys, and us, will be comfy. we wanted the 9pm show but its totally gone, so we went for the next one. an earlier show would mean a wide-eyed asyraf (more so than his usual wide eyes) and that's not good.

bought this with hubby yesterday.

mock...arent you excited?! 10 more days for the series finale...


nae said...

Got the ticket already??? I sooo wanted to watch HP but I'm considering not to bring the boys along(for fear that my little spiderman turns to harry porter...i need a break from ER scene)

Children are allowed in gold class?

rafiqaheliza said...

Oh wow! Gold class!! I belum pernah masuk lagi. Need to go there one day, but I wouldn't dare bringing the kids along. Both can't sit still..and can't focus..and very light sleeper. Enjoy your HP!

P.S: Me, not an HP fan. First movie pun tgk tak habis...

Anonymous said...

kak js..brape bintang.hohooho:P

mock said...

gold class lagi!! engkau mmg kelass nyah!! heheheheh...

kalau ikutkan i, mmg smlm lagi i nak gi tgk...but i've been bz at work these past few days, so dont wanna spoil it...must make sure i'm really2 fresh when i go watch it...

surprisingly, boleh dicontrol lagi perasaan ini...

good things come to those who wait...but boy, oh boy, penantian itu satu penyiksaan...

wakakakakaakaka!!! i'm so melayu!!!

p/s: since u nak gi tgk kat gold class, methinks me wanna follow suit...tapi klcc takdak gold la, n kat situ je selalunya tempat port i...

mock said...

btw, of course i'm excited abt the excited i almost pee-d in my pants!! heheheh...

remember the previous one, i spent whole day in bookstore reading without buying it? tapi tu kat negara org la...think i can do that again??!! i dont think so...badan dah tak larat beb...

lagipun it's the last book...might as well buy it je's gonna be a collector's item pun nanti...

Jungle Playland said...

I want i want to go... Dah laa miss so many box office movies lately..tell me all abt it!

Gold Class! Mmang best... memang bagus for me and my big butt..hahah!!

Anonymous said...

sally, cepat bg review..

Ezalman said...

I guess I must be the only one not on HP's magical bandwagon (no offense Salina!!) but I just can't get my mind around the fact there are now 5 HP films out there...but like a lot of things (hint hint) the FIRST time is always the best...and memorable ;-) - so I'll always give my 2 thumbs up for HP and the philosopher's stone anyday... but of course I'm interested to find out if HP does bite the dust - haha!

Anonymous said...

guess tisu beat u to it...
she went to see HP kat glod class yesterday noon coz she not working smlm...
dia kata best n cant wait 4 the finale...
but i wouldnt know coz i'm not an HP fan...
even turned down tisu's offer to pay 4 my gold class tix...hahaha...

princess kittie said...

eiseai...u always wanna go/book popular movies at the last minute.
of course la full house, inc Gold Class.
kan boleh beli 1 week in advance...
tiza....i'm going again if you wanna join me this time. missed d 1st 5-15 minutes cuz i got there late and forgot my reservation number!!!
typically paid via me CC when booking and that one you can use HP no to search.
any, like eiseai said, the movie was excellent!!
Unlike Transformers, 2nd time not worth Gold Class, but I'm not as HP crazy as eiseai is...altho, its soooo comfy wif its own bafroom and foods galore...why d bloody hell not. (i'll rent ya the blanlet if u wan).
thinking of going on Fri morn oso
but tell me ASAP, since am movies are typically available still if cepat.
Too bad was not on rest day that Tuesday, or else can bring bonda along to watch Transformers at GC (3rd time for me...kakakakaka).
That Bumble Bee is so HOT!! slurp slurp...
Waiting for The Invincible now...
ps/ei of the eiseai...u shud watch Die Hard...damn cool, dude..


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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