
Monday, July 23, 2007


to those who've never seen asyraf smile...

and one of my 2 boys together...


rafiqaheliza said...

Gerammm tgk his cheeky smile!!

Jungle Playland said...

Your two boys are so loving.. I hope mine nanti pun camtu, jangan nak gaduh sudah

Cujie said...

sally... memang susah tgk asyraf smile.. tapi sekali smile... menyentap jiwa raga sape yg melihatnya... yang penting sekali senyum getik tu...

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

oh manisnya...manisnya senyumanmuuuuuuuuuuu......

Anonymous said...

lovely.... cayang sket asyraf..

nae said...

ish....rasa nak cubit pulak pipi tu

Anonymous said...

kak sally,

serius ckp..
this time mmg terpaksa admit yg ur little angel nih lagi sweet dari Amir.. :)

asyraf mmg adorable...
kak, teringin nak kiss dia lah..boleh ke?? hehe
bila la nak jumpa dia lagi

Anonymous said...

ohhh asyraf.. makin hensem, sweet sgt.. ni kalau besar ni, mesti ramai admire kat dia. huhu

Nurul Diana@Mama=Adam + Aidil + Ayra said... geram tgk smile asyraf nie ... mmg nmpk sweet sgt .tgk senyuman dgn gigi dia tue ... tu hari jumpa amir jer .. x dpt jump asyraf .. takpe next time okies ... x sabo tgu yg 3rd one nie ..ikut muka saper yer??? he..he..he...

Anonymous said... sweetttt...muaahhh from auntie..asyraf kalo jumpa auntie kena sakat jgn nangis mcm abg long tau...hehehehe...

Anonymous said...

comel sgt
your little heroes


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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