
Sunday, July 15, 2007


mock wanted me to give a 1 word desciption of the movie. i sms-ed her and said "i would have paid 3 times what i paid, the fighting scenes were out of this world...the best of the lot, so far" much for 1 word! was just...for lack of better siot!! i was straight to the point, cleverly edited but not missing out on any important stuff (although i did notice they didnt show aunt petunia receiving the letter from the owl, and the 'it could be harry or neville' bit).

it didnt dwell on any bit longer than it should, like umbridge taking over the school, hermoine & ron being made prefects, percy's defection, harry's anger (which was the irritating bit of the book), ron trying out for the quidditch team, harry's crush on cho and her whining over cedric. they took a bit of everything and packed them quite nicely.

the fighting scenes at the ministry of magic is something everyone waited to see. how would they envision it to be. it was seriously great! the scene in the room of prophecies, the death eaters vs the auror, sirius scene with bellatrix and especially dumbledore v voldemort, that scene was jaw-dropping!

daniel radcliffe has matured so much, gary oldman was just fantastic, the girl who played luna was great (even the guy who played neville) but i espcially loved - in his limited but great scenes - ralph fiennes.


mock said...

yup...that was quite an sms at 3.30am!! hehehe...

can't wait to see it. it's probably gonna be another wk or so before i get to watch it, but i shall persevere!!

Anonymous said...

ahh..x sabar nak tgk jugak.. ;)

rafiqaheliza said...

I rasa the gal emma watson pun dah matured now..

Mai Okinokiyo said...

hi sis,
im a silent reader.nak tnya, actually but regarding ur previous entry..i saw pic asyraf with his bro amir's car seat.boleh tau tak, itu safety 1st punya car seat ke?dia punya seat boleh recline tak kalau bby nak tido dlm tu?im looking one for my daughter..sbb dia dah tak nak diam dlm her car seat anymore..

thanks in adv..btw im counting the day to the big day of my daughter too..hehe..lebih sudu dr kuah i ni.. :p

eiseais said...

okinokiyo...yup, tu safety first punya car seat. dia ada 2 position je. one dia upright, one is slightly reclined (macam position asyraf sits on now). tak boleh recline more than that. kalau kecik sangat, tak brapa elok actually.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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