
Monday, July 02, 2007


yeah...i'm a planner. zu gets upset everytime i talk about my plans for asyraf's birthday. she's getting married around the same time, and she's not finished planning, while i'm already ticking off most of the things on my "to-do" list. hehehe...sorry zu, terpaksa lah...

i've been planning asyraf's birthday since he turned 3 months. yup...that early. it was around that time that i found out i was pregnant and due to give birth a month before asyraf's big day, so i didnt want that to have an effect on his first birthday. i wanted to make sure his party would go on, and it would a great one. i would probably still be in confinement or just about to finish my confinement so i wouldnt be able to give my all in planning his party at that time. so i have to start now and have to buy what i can while i still have the energy.

at the moment, i have the following things sorted -
1. date - it will be 24 november 2007, from 3pm-6pm (coincidently its the same day as my office annual dinner, and a day before zu's bertandang, but i hope my colleagues will be able to make it). bloggers - mark that date on your calendar!

2. theme - not much of a theme person, but we have to find something so that the cakes, invites and party favours, at least, would match. for amir we had a football theme party. for asyraf i wanted something cute, so we went for a "first birthday" theme.

3. cards - bought cards to match the theme from party @ world at ikano.

4. party favours - the favour bag matches the card. inside would be the normal chocolate, sweets, balloons but i'm also thinking of adding something of rafiqah's (hehehe...tak sabarnya!). for the mummies, i got an idea of what to give them from one of the magazines i bought. its really quite nice, quite different and can be enjoyed by the mummies, the children and maybe the daddies would find it useful as well ;)

5. cake - i'm getting shida to create a design to match the theme, the cards and favour bags. shida made the cuppies for amir and my sister's birthday earlier this year, and i really loved it.

6. caterer - i'm handing that over to hubby but we basically have decided on the menu. since we're doing it after lunch, we're going to go for a hi-tea menu (as one would for a birthday party).

7. guest list - that sort of have been decided. hubby and i would need to qc the list again nearer the date but its pretty much sorted.

8 the birthday boy - i'm thinking of getting something for asyraf, like a "birthday boy" bib or hat or something like that.

that's about it, i guess. i'm scratching my head to think of what is missing but i cant find any. i cant wait to celebrate the day my little baby turns 1...


butterflutter said...

Tee...hee..heee...seronoknya plan for bday. Bolehlah geng kita ni, amat gemar plan for bdays. I collect things for party favors sepanjang tahun :)

Anonymous said...


mmg...ada ke nak plan bday mengalahkan org nak plan kawin..neway, takpe laa..for Ku Din, Ti ZU tak marah..hehehe

comel gler gambar Ku Din nih..!!

Anonymous said...

mesti best bday party asyraf nnt =)
comel dia gelak dlm pic tu..

Anonymous said...

amboi asyraf... seronoknya! Tak lama je lagi asyraf turn 1...

NadiahKhair said...

A big plan ahead for the big boy...bestnyee....

btw, he's getting handsomer by the day lah..series..

Jungle Playland said...

Hahha!! U beat me.. at least you have sort it out. I have just finish planning and Aidan 's bday is next month.

U buat i takut laaa...hahaha!!I better start sooooooonnnnn

Anonymous said...

ya allah.. comelnya budak kecik nih..hehe.. nk picit2 rasa...gmbr yg first tu muka cam abg long dia..hehe

rafiqaheliza said...

So 24/11 is taken..apa lagi date yg tinggal..hehe.

i pun tgh plan for double bday bash for my boys. But still a long way to go compared to yours. Theme pun tak pilih lagi. Still undecisive. Kalau ikut theme, mesti most of the thgs kena match. Pening, pening. Nanti i nak buat entry pasal ni jugaklah...

Anyway, just to give u an idea (but I'm sure ou have sorted it out), "rubber duck" and "teddy bear" are two classic themes for 1st bday party...

Mau itu personalized choc wrap ke? Or just in case kalau u takde party bag lagi, perhaps i can make a plastic bag with personalized topper for d party? nanti bila free, contact2lah yek..I pun nak mintak advise u jugak for party planning:)

nae said...

*sigh* wish i could be half as good...i'd usually throw haphazard party with 24 hrs advance planning then started to harass everyone living under my roof

amri's birthday is 27th nov :)

eiseais said...

rafiqah...hehehe...i've chosen (and bought the invitation and favour bags) the theme. ada lah bear2 jugak. but it wont be the "theme", it'll just be something that would match the cards, favour bags and the cake. lain tu is wont match sangat pun. eh hushhhhhh...the "barang" inside the bag is a surprise lah :)

nae...hehehe...for first birthday memang over the planning. tengok lah after this...dont think i'll resort to this kind of planning. well, at least i dont think so now. tapi when the time comes, you never ccd may take over my malas-ness

Anonymous said...

24 nov? sehari lps bday auntie la asyraf :P

Cherry said...

did i read correctly ... nov27 and now you hv kick-off the planning ! shame on me. Aman (#2) birthday) is next weekend and he keep asking abt it and me the Mak Fenin ni ... oh ye ke ... birthday Aman ye. ok we'll get KFC ok ke . Teruk aku ni.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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