
Friday, July 20, 2007

My Favourite Shop

i went in to get windbrakers for my 2 boys. but i got 4 t-shirt for my little angel instead (even though he disturbs me at 3am every night...). it was on sale...i couldnt help it!! and i got a pair of pants for myself...


rina said...

wah banyak jugak u borong. hehehe. btw i nampak u tgh Q kat MC td. Nak tegur segan.

eiseais said...

hehehe..tak byk lah rina. asyraf nak baju baru :)

why lah segan nak tegur? tegur je lain kali.

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Js, buku apa yg gambar tiger tu?

eiseais said...

erin...tu vcd baby einstein. best jugak, dua2 pun suka tengok. asyraf suka tengok gambar and dengar lagu. amir suka 1-2-3 dia...

Anonymous said...

=) suke kan dpt shopping baju budak2 ni kan.. barang kita tak beli pun xpe.. hehe, pastu alamak, i over spent kat baby.. xleh beli pape for myself.. ;)
thats me

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Oh VCD... cover pun nampak cute ek... best tak? where did u buy it? harga standard la ye?


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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