
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Look Away...

...if you dont want to know what happens in book 7.

i fnished it within a day (a little bit more). told hubby i'd be done overnight (which i did lah, technically), now i have to patiently wait for him and mock to read the book so that i can discuss it with them.

my views on the book-
1. it was a bit too short for my liking;

2. having read it, i'm glad it was short - its a bit too heavy and anything longer than what it was would not have been a nice read;

3. some of the things that remained vague previously, have been put to pen and paper (dates, for example). so now the story kind of has a timeline, which somehow bring it down to earth;

4. upon dumbledore's death, he left a few things to a few people. dumbledore's magic wasnt explained in detail previously. now that his things are in the hands of others, more info was given to his posessions. it makes the book more "magical" then the other 6. which is a bit contradictory to point 3, so its sort of a juggle between the two;

5. there are more danger, more deaths and very action packed. i was not happy with some of the deaths. the first was a bit sad, she was harry's friend from the beginning, it was sad to see her go. the second was, shocking but expected - even by the person who died, i'm sure. the third, tak apa biggie. the fourth was the saddest, i cried and i felt cheated of a good character. there wasnt much details to the death of the fifth and sixth, but that too was sad. so the paper that stated there'll be 6 people dead was right, in a way. there were more, of course - cant be just 6 people dying in the big battle, can it - but these 6 were pretty profound;

6. the best chapter ever (out of all 7 books) was towards the end of this book - the prince's tale. it was jaw dropping and by the end of the chapter, one would i get it;

7. i like the epilogue;

8. i still cant accept the fact that since voldermort's gained his power and all the death eaters are on the loose, and the dementors are on his side, he still cant manage to track down 3 17-year-olds running from one part of the country to another. i mean, harry's not the best of the wizards, is he - he's been more lucky than great. hermoine's more of book smart but not really equipped with dealing with the dark lord and his ally, while ron is just...well, ron. those 3 against malfroy, bellatrix, even snape yet they cant get to them. a bit the pelik, i think;

9. but all in all, i like the book and i'm sad to end the series.

now we wait for the 2 movies. i dont think the movies are as powerful as the books. those who only watch the movie wont feel the story as those who read the book. the book is more descriptive, more detailed, it pulls you more than the movies. but then its nice to see how it differs from how we readers envision it to be...


mock said...

i cant help reading your post...although i've gotten the book, i still hvnt started...smlm sebab penat sgt, balik terus tido...tonight sbb takut tak tido mlm ni trying to finish the book...cant afford that, got long day at work saaadddd!!!

so, who died? who died? who died?!!!! i almost cheated, dpt je buku terus bukak belakang...hahahaha!! but it was very vague, so i'm not really certain i got it right....

honestly, i'm not in a hurry to start reading it, coz it means getting closer to the end...and there's no other sequel to look fwd la??!!

p/s: so, snape's a bloody snake afterall, eh??!!

eiseais said...

mock...u gotta read it soon man!! i nak cakap ngan sapa re this book?

who died?? hehehe...byk people died. some died but yet didnt die (u'll know what i mean...)

snape? no comments on that. its actually "terselit" in my entry.

trueblue said...

I belum beli lagiiiiiii..Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

yup sally.

i suke lagi baca buku dr tgk movie.
ahh besh2

Anonymous said...

i suka jugak chapter yg prince tu. he is so handsome plus macho.. aa esok sambung. haha. ngantuk ni.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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