
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bits and Pieces

a bit of a rojak-rojak update. last weekend was practically a stay-at-home weekend. hubby went out for an interview on saturday morning, so the boys and i stayed at home. wasnt difficult taking care of 2 boys at one time, for those who may think its a great big chore. it was actually quite nice. i could even have a nice breakfast with amir while asyraf was playing with his teether. then asyraf was crawling round the room, stopping to pick at every single toy, food crumbs, dust he comes across. amir was eating, running and basically terrorising the dining and tv room. so i opened the dining room doors, and let him run outside.

which brings me to my next update. the landscape people came over on sunday to have a look at our garden (aka hutan belantara). the cost to plant new grass is right on my budget, so we've decided to proceed. he can only start after we come back from our holiday, though. and it will take around 4-5 months for the grass to grow completely...just in time for asyraf's birthday.

speaking of which, i have made 1 sample of the party favour i'm planning to distribute to the mummies. it was quite easy to make, surprisingly. now i only need to make another 50, which should take just 1 weekend to complete. i've got the cover ready but hubby didnt approve of my first draft, so i have to re-do it. then its all done. the favours for children has been booked with rafiqah - who was so kind to entertain all my long emails (haha...mummy yang sungguh excited, i ni kan??) the other 3 things for the favour will be bought in 2 weeks time and closer to the date. rafiqah also gave me an idea for another group of guests - the under 1s. i initially thought i wasnt going to give them any favours as they are to small to enjoy the ones prepared for the children, but rafiqah pointed out that they too should get something, so i decided on something simple, yet useful for them. so basically the planning is done, the work is half-way done, just waiting for a little bit more things to complete the preparation. hubby still have not decided on the caterer. we have a couple in mind. their food is great but they are more of a 1 or 2 man show, so we're afraid either the food will come late, or the leftovers will not be cleared in time, or there will be no one to help serve the guests.

this weekend i'll be having my week 28th check up. its 28 weeks already, i'm already in my third trimester. time flies. i honestly didnt feel the first trimester flying by. maybe i was too busy with the boys. now the baby's kicking, its impossible not to feel anything. this little man is pretty laid back compared to his elder brothers. if i thought amir was a kicker, i was totally wrong. asyraf is the footballer in the family. his kicks are powerful, even hubby's giving up changing his diapers, and the boy is not even 8 months old. that's what we get for having a baby with birthmarks on both legs. amir's birthmark is only on his right leg. but little man no 3 is very relaxed. stops kicking when i tell him to, doesnt disturb me during the night, especially after a shower, doesnt disturb me much when i'm doing my work, he also loves to kick asyraf when asyraf's having his susu. his name has been picked and amir calls him "baby a..." and gets angry when baby a starts kicking mummy. "oh diaaaa..." amir would scold him...

after the check up, we'll be going to mph, 1 utama to get our hands on the harry potter series finale. hubby wants to read first, but i told him i'd finish the book by sunday (yeah...right!!) then he can have it. i also need to get to get small luggages for our holiday. i've got the huge, gabak one and a smaller sized one but with no handle. so both cant be used.

holiday pulak. i've done my clothes-to-bring list a million times since june before finalising the list last night. had a quiet night, with amir watching his mickey mouse in my room, hubby was on the net looking for new jobs, while asyraf slept from 8pm (ah...mummy's little angel). so i managed to go through the boys cupboard to decide on what to clothes to bring and also where to go. saw my dad on monday, he suggested some places. well, he would know. he goes to perth as often as he goes to temerloh - just to play golf. one more thing that's missing from the boys' list is windbreakers for the both of them. saw 1 that i like in mothercare and they have a size for both amir and asyraf. so that's where i'm heading during lunch...


Anonymous said...

;) amir main ngan baby dlm perut.. bestnye..
my nephew keeps asking me kot2 ada baby lagi tak dlm perut..
(my baby yg baru keluar ni just turned 4 mths..)

Jungle Playland said...

Wow ur are already in ur 3rd tri. I lost track i dah braper minggu too bust with things.

I just finish planning my party favour for the kids. I made 2 types : one for baby another one for toddlers.

Now i shall move on to find bday cakes.. banyaknyer kena buat!

rafiqaheliza said...

Baca your entry ni, I kept thinking byknya masa you ni. Segala macam benda nak buat.
And banyaknya idea si rafiqah tu...idea je lebih tapi kalau nak suruh dia buat, tak cukup kaki tangan jugak tu..hahaha...
Serius you mcm nak kawinkan anak lah, siap dengan tanam grass and what not. Am glad to be part of asyraf's bday:)

Anonymous said...

huh..dah 3rd tri ek...can't wait to see 3rd eai....n mmg excited mummy sorang nih about asyraf's birthday bash.....

btw..have a nice trip nanti....


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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