
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Baby Names

oopsss...tagged by aidan's mummy...i think i did a long entry about names earlier but i wont disappoint dot :)

baby #1
everyone who knows me, would know that i only wanted to have boys. i was very, very confident of getting one as well (alhamdulillah, with nightly prayers, i did get my wish). so i never looked at girls names. i wanted a boy for a first born to lead his younger siblings (so unlike pappy eh?) so a good leader's name should be chosen. the first name i found, that meant leader, was "amir". i mmediately fell in love with the name. as hubby's name had the initial I, i wanted my boys to follow and have a name that starts with I as well. that's where "iskandar" came into the picture. i've always felt that that name was so distinguished, and to add it to amir would emphasise one's leadership attributes. so amir iskandar (leader and defender of humankind) was born.

baby #2
people usually say, well...after getting a boy, i'm sure you'd like a girl. noooo...not me! i wanted another boy. i wanted amir to have a playmate and i didnt want to bother thinking of setting up another bedroom since they both can share. alhamdulillah...allah gave us another boy. since amir had the initials e-a-i (e being the family name brought down by hubby - engku), my little no2 would have to have the same initials.

i dont know how i came up with asyraf. i've always loved that name (a friend was going out with a boy with that name in uni). it wasnt a common name, and choosing names that start with A you're bound to choose one that's quite common. i'm not sure hubby actually like that name when i proposed it to him. but i really wanted it, especially when i found out that it meant "most honourable". to compete with amir, my second son would need a name with a powerful meaning. then i thought of the baby's responsibility to the family...that's how i chose a name. since the first born is the leader, the second would be the one that is knowledgeable from the religious point of view. one that the siblings would go to to ask for religious advice. naturally, his name would end with a "din". going thru the baby names, i picked out "izzuddin" which means might of religion. i proposed it to hubby, he was against it. he said it reminded him of a friend who had the same name, but he's ok with the name without "din" - izzat. but i was determined, i told him my reasons for chosing the name. i think he finally relented when i said i wanted a third generation of "din" (from my father to hubby and now to my son). so we decided on asyraf izzuddin (the most honourable might of religion).

baby #3
after a leader and an ustaz, baby no 3 would be the one that holds the family together. our first task was to choose a name that means family. i found a name that comes closest - brotherhood. so now to choose the name that begins with A. that was difficult. hubby chose first. we both loved the name but it didnt sound right when we put all the names together. so we looked some more. we have sort of chosen a name that means knowledge, hoping baby no 3 would have the knowledge of brotherhood to bind the family together. amir's been calling him baby A**** so i guess the leader approves of the name...

who should i tag now...
1. man & ckn (because i just love the name erica...)
2. trueblue
3. nolie
4. ila
5. nae
6. the ibu of 4littlewans if she has the time...


Jungle Playland said...

Thank you for doing it.. hehehe

Actually i like the name amir/ emir (same meaning).. hubby also like it.. very strong meaning kan.

I wonder what is the 3rd baby's name.. Hmm.. since you will deliver first beforeme, i guess i kena tunggggguuu...

Anonymous said...

Puan Akak Salina.....dah jawab...anyway...skarng tengah giat carik nama starts with F n I

ari tu F n A..dapatlah Fatin Alieyah...F dah dapat....I je tak tahu..

Anonymous said...

muahahhaha Js...I dah kena tag ngan ila lah ehhehe dah jawab pun...visit my blog ehheh ...

3rd ...emm let me guess..amir..asyraff...alif??..azwan??..azri?? ..azmi(please don't hahahahhahahah)


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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