both boys were diagnosed with asthma a month ago, and they have been on medication for a month. amir's nose is no longer blocked and his flu and cough has gone away. so he can stop the nasal spray and clarityne. but he is wheezing slightly, so the doctor prescribed ventolin syrup for 3 weeks.
asyraf's flu hasnt gone away. his cough hasnt gone away. my poor baby, he's always so sick and his nose is always running. the doctor spent more time asking about him and how his environment is, to understand why the flu hasnt gone away. he asked if we've got carpet in the room (no we dont, except for a small, very thin one), if we've got aromatheraphy candles/oils (no we dont...mana ada masa, nak light-light benda ni semua), if we've got ubat nyamuk (no we dont, we dont have nyamuks), if there's old books in the room (no...its just amir's cars), if he's exposed to direct air-cond (no he's not...he sleeps in his little nook), if the room's dusty (ooppss...guilty as charged!!), if his mattress is new (no, its not, its a hand me down from amir). so he concluded that asyraf's allergic to dust - just like his mummy - and that the mattress may be the biggest culprit. he says that asyraf needs to continue the nasal spray and the clarityne syrup for another month. asyraf also had his triple antigen and pneumococcal jabs.
report card
amir had his first exam from 6 march til 9 march. we didnt know he had exam, so i was very shocked when his teacher passed me his report card and exam papers. i couldnt wait to see how he did, and sat in the car for almost 10 minutes looking at each result. amir was already restless, and just went "hmmm" when i asked him about every single test he did.
he got A for reading, spelling, oral, and recognising words, in english, malay and even jawi (only alif-ba-ta). he got A for understanding instructions, an A for motor skills and A for listening to music (although a D in singing in tune...hahaha). following daddy's and mummy's footsteps, who are so not creative, amir also is not good in arts and crafts. he got a D for colouring, drawing, origami and drawing lines. amir is obviously so very manja in school - he got a C for independence and socialising with classmates, but he got an A for his relationship with his teacher. overall, he got no 4 out of 9 children, and we're just so proud of him.

asyraf's been drinking milk a lot lately. he drinks up to 4oz every hour. then he throws up even after burping. i desperately wanted to wean him, but waited until we saw his pead, to get his ok. he said to go ahead, and we gave him his first meal today. it was surprisingly every easy. he didnt look shocked when we gave him the first taste and quickly finished half a bottle of sweet potato. i hope he'll drink less milk and throw up less now.
i let asyraf walk a little this afternoon. he had a big smile on his face (which is so rare) and amir was so excited, screaming "baby walk". he was even pulling asyraf's hands, thinking asyraf was actually walking by himself.
baby week 11
i had my check up today, as well. the baby's put on a lot of weight. last 3 weeks, he was 6 weeks, today he's the size of 11 weeks. the due date is now 13 october. we cant be too sure of his exact age as i dont know when my LMP was. his did a lot of kicking just now, i'm so excited to feel him kicking inside me.