what was supposed to be a small barbeque for friends and family, turned out quite a big party. i think there was around 60 adults (not to mention a large number of running kids) who braved the rain to attend. the food was just enough, not to much that you would have to pack and not too little that there wasnt enough. the cuppies were delicious (sorry PCM gang...i really, really forgot to have the cake cutting until someone mentioned it to me...so malu!!). amir had a grand time, running everywhere. he ignored all the adults now that he found friends his height.
his presents were all great. he received books, puzzles, clothes, educational toys, cars, an elmo phone, coloured pencils, loads of mickey mouse & elmo toys and, tiza would want me to mention, his 5-activity maze.
thanks to everyone who showed up. i hope you guys had a lot of fun and ate a lot of food. thanks for the wonderful gifts that was given to amir.
the cuppies (thanks shida)
preparing the party favours...
amir and his presents...
meriah betul birthday party tu ! so Amir & Aunty had a good time yea ! hadiah Amir banyak, hadiah Aunty Amir tentu lebiihhhhh banyak sebab umurnya lebih banyak jugak kan.
nice cuppy cake..ruginya tak pegi
suka la tengok adinda sally tu... sejibik eh... Amir nampak seronok sangat... ruginya auntie cujie tak pergi...
mommy... takde cupcakes lebih ke? courier lah kat sini sebarang dua... :)
u're right, i wouldve wanted u to mention my great big present...hahaha...
errmmm...hadiah aunty amir lg skit (but very nice) sbb umurnya juga lebih skit...kehkehkeh...
Cute cup cakes..and loads of pressies for amir. Bestnye! By the way, we're just the same. One toddler and one baby to handle, and they all starts with "A" and about 2 years apart. A handful kan?
cupcakes from cuppacakes ke?! cam familiar je...
cupcakes ada...macam2 ada....fruitcake je takde...yippee!!
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