maybe it was because so many things happened this year, the fact that i started working made it pass by really fast. this pregnancy isnt as easy or as smooth as my first one, with one hyper baby inside and another outside. i've also not been taking very good care of myself. i'm living on fast food and junk food. i cant stand the sight of rice. my saviour is mcdonald's quarter pounder with cheese and greasy fries. i've also drank less milk as compared with during my first pregnancy. this makes my teeth and nails somewhat more sensitive. i'm trying to increase the intake but there's so much i can drink. my gynae advised me to increase my caltrade intake, if i dont drink much milk. the thought of milk in gold coast sounds yummy, however. hubby says this baby seems bigger than amir at this age. i agree with him, i feel very heavy this time around. during the last check up, we saw that the baby's cheeks were really chubby. a lot of people has been commenting that it will come out earlier than its due date, too.
i've got another 12 weeks or so to go. i'm not ready for the baby yet. more of the fact that we still havent gotten a maid. i could survive without one, but not anymore. i cant handle a baby and a toddler at the same time. i hope this will settle soon, hopefully after the raya period. once i have a maid, i'll be more ready. amir's been very good with the baby. people did warn me that a toddler would know there's a baby coming and they may not be as acceptable to the fact. so far amir's ok when we talk about the baby. everyday he would hold my tummy and kiss it. he would sometimes point to his own tummy when i ask "where's baby". i'm very excited to see how he would react when the baby comes out.
anyway, here's me with my big tummy...

hi salina,
congrats & all the best with the 2nd baby! you look radiant btw, i think all pregnant ladies are although their faces tell otherwise
*strawberry shortcake*
hey anonymous / strawberry shortcake,
thanks for the wishes. oh oh...have i mentioned my name somewhere before or do we know each other (erk...)
i knew you from high school, also we have a common friend who is also your neighbour N. enjoy your weekend
*strawberry shortcake*
oooowwwww.....dont u look fab :) being pregnant agrees with u, no? that and the valid excuse to feast anytime, anywhere
hehehe...nae, i'm huge!! will be a member of sri badan after confinement, insyaallah. u r really tempting me :)
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