
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Amir's Favourite Song

on top of spaghetti
all covered with cheese
i lost my poor meatball
when somebody sneezed

it rolled off the table
and onto the floor
and then my poor meatball
rolled out of the door

it rolled in the garden
and under a bush
and then my poor meatball
was nothing but mush

the mush was as tasty
as tasty could be
and early next summer
it grew into a tree

the tree was all covered
all covered with moss
it grew lovely meatball
and tomato sauce

so if you eat spaghetti
all covered with cheese
hold on to your meatball
and dont ever sneeze


Hot Mama said...

Haa! That day i tried to leave a comment, kena reject :((

anyway i like the last picture Amir with his teddy.. Cute!

eiseais said...

i donno wat happened lah. i main2 and changed some things, then tiba2 cannot comment pulak. now ok dah i hope.

teddy tu mummy dia put there, after he slept ;-)


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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