there's a few things i'm very 'pantang' about. no, not those 44-days pantang. heck, for those i'm lucky if i manage to reach 4 (
let alone 44) days.
one thing i'm so tremendously 'pantang' about is the phrase 'orang tua kata...' honestly, this phrase can make the most brilliant person become stupid. yes, seriously...stupid, that's the word. why beat around the bush?! if you want to scare someone, just say 'orang tua kata...' and you'll be sure of making them eat out of your hands.
'orang tua kata, kalau anak hisap kaki tu, dia nak adik',
'orang tua kata, kalau anak laki sayang-sayang perut, baby tu baby perempuan - tak jeles katanya'.
then along comes a parent, not ready to have more babies...pegi tarik nya kaki baby tu...takut dapat baby lagi. gone one of a child's development because the parent is so stupid to not be able to think rationally. or, scenario 2, there lies an innocent baby, laughing and gurgling. unaware of his surrounding, the baby plunks his toes into his mouth. tersipu-sipu lah malu nya mak budak, sambil pegang-pegang perut padahal baru 2nd day period.
another phrase i'm so pantang about is 'pembawakan budak'. ok...will someone kindly explain this to me...what does that phrase mean. it seems everything under the sun is blamed on the 'budak' that one seems to 'bawak'. and what the heck did that 'budak' ever do to warrant this blame? a mother-to-be complains...i'm so tired all the time. the answer...oh pembawakan budak. a mother-to-be says...i cant look at my husband, i get angry all the time. the answer...oh pembawakan budak. a mother-to-be children are crying all the time. the answer...oh pembawakan budak. bloody hell...why get pregnant if you want to blame everything on the baby? the baby's not even born yet, and he's already carrying all these burden.
tired? no, its not the baby's fault...its the mother. angry? no, its not the baby's fault...its the mother. children crying? no, its not the baby's fault...its the mother. realise for yourself, why cant you? when you're pregnant, like it or not, you lose your energy faster, hence you are tired more often. dont blame the baby, blame yourself. when you are pregnant, your hormones run amok. when you get angry, dont blame the baby, blame yourself. when you are pregnant, you have less patience, less time, less energy to spend on those around you. dont blame the baby, blame yourself.
another thing i seriously cannot fathom is 'air penawar'. honestly...every tom, dick and harry seem to be dependent on this air for some reason. my son is kicking up a fuss at home, maybe i should give him some 'air penawar' so that he'll listen to me. my daughter is purposely driving me up the walls, maybe she should drink some 'air penawar' to cool down.
isnt that great?! who cares about parenting skills, when there's 'air penawar' around. who cares about taking the time to talk and listen to your children, when there's 'air penawar' available. child crying? just drop some 'air penawar' in his bottle of milk and wait for the result. shops like mph should just cease the parenting books and just sell 'air penawar' on their shelves.
come on...there are times we seek 'divine help' when we are at a lost, of course, there's no denying that. but there are people who dont even want to try and just...there's something 'wrongggg' (
catch my drift) with my child and only 'air penawar' can help. oh try first why dont you? look at yourself first, why dont you? have you changed, have the environment around you changed, have situation around you changed? analyse those first, settle them first, then turn around and sought help.
for some people, anak menangis je, 'adalah benda tu' but tak sedar that you've been to busy and too tired to pay attention to your child and she wants just that, some attention from you. tapi malas nak pikir, terus assume...ada lah benda tu, kena minum air penawar baru ok ni.
my note to every breathing, living person out there...use that brain of yours. dont waste the 2 seconds God spent putting it into your body. pikir lah dulu before korang kelams tak tentu pasal. buat sakit telinga aku je kena tempias-tempias dengar...
on that note...'orang tua' ni nak cakap...have a great 'air penawar'-less weekend.