my past 10 years have been filled with a lot of ups and downs, a lot of changes and a lot of new advantures. they were things i didnt plan (some of them at least) yet they came and i lived through them and learn from them.
this was my graduation year. graduating uni and getting a degree didnt seem all that big a deal to me. not to say i'm a genius or anything like that (oh, far from it...) but it was just something that happened naturally. i was also very sad, i didnt want to leave england. i had a great, great time there. i felt more at home there then in my own home. not to mention we get to watch footie at decent time!

started my first job. wrong choice of industry and wrong choice of place. it was after the currency crisis, and a bank is not a good place to start your working career. but if you need to work in a bank, at least choose a big bank, not this bank! it was a boring job, i dont know how i survived a year there.
i hated working, if i could i wanted to be a student for the rest of my life. i loved studying. so i begged my dad to send me back to england. i found a great course, and went back to do my masters. 20 hours of classes a week, no examination, 1 essay and 1 presentation per subject...ahh heaven. plus my house is merely minutes from meadowhall. got to watch a few united games. the best was sir alex's testimonial played on my 22nd birthday. got to see all my favourite players from the then-current & old team.

it had to happen, it was unavoidable. i had to leave england again. the second time around was worse, i knew i couldnt find an excuse to return. started looking a job, it was difficult. everyone wanted to offer me something in the accounting line (my degree), while i wanted something more of consulting based (my masters). due to the mismatch of supply and demand, i was unemployed for almost 10 months.

finally landed a job in one of the big 4 (big 5 it was, that time). great job...good prospects...really nice place to work in. after a few boring audit jobs, i finally got to do something i enjoyed...due dilligence (i still miss doing it).

a wrong email, and i met a guy. the rest of the year was a blur...hahaha!!

we got engaged. i bought a house in a great neighbourhood. didnt know the place existed, but once we saw it, we fell in love with the area (hubby loves the big football field)

got married, a month after we were expecting. the months passed by blissfully. i didnt have morning sickness, no cravings, and i was full of energy. got the keys to our house, just in time to welcome the baby.
our first baby. he's such a cutie. a good boy and didnt give us much problems. left my job to stay at home and take care of our son. felt more fulfilled than ever.
went back to work. my year of being a stay at home mum ended. good place to work, except its far and travelling tires me out. after a year of trying, we were pregnant again. our second boy arrived towards the end of the year. a difficult baby who tested our patience tremendously. but two boys...we love it!!
i dont know what to look forward to. not all that excited to go back to work. hoping i would get a job near home so that i wont waste time travelling and being away from my boys. or better yet, maybe someone would offer me a job that wont require me to leave the house...and pays millions!!