i am one of those people who buy what i like. you can do any kind of extravagent advertising on me and call me everyday to buy your stuff, but if i dont like it, i wont give it a second glance. i would also buy anything without any recommendation. if i like it i will get it.
before i had amir, i already know what i wanted and what i didnt want for him. of course there are things that i got to know later on, but i had some ideas what i had wanted for him.
1. buaianthis is a big no-no to me. never ever, ever, ever never would i have this in my house. i wouldnt waste my money and the space in my house for this. i've seen an aunt who had to carry the big load of buai from her house to mine ever since i was 9 years old. it makes a baby dependent on the buai and you would have trouble of trying to get him out of it. it may work for some parents (
senang je nak get him to sleep without it) but to me, why bother introducing him to something he's not aware of just so you can get some peace & quiet.
2. pacifieromigod...how i hate this thing! some parents think its so cute letting their child suck on that thing while out shopping.
apa yang cute sangat? the poor child is pouting his mouth like angelina jolie. and its not even clean. i bet the things has fallen down countless of times, yet some mothers just wipe it on their pants or sleeves and
cucuk it back in the child's mouth. what i really hate is when toddlers or young children, around 3-4, still have it in their mouth.
3. car seatnow this is a must. i still see some parents not using car seats. ok, i'm not trying to be a saint and enforce this on anyone, but i do see the necessity of a car seat. for one, it helps the baby learn on its own, it also give parents more time to themselves while in the car, knowing their children is safe and sound. amir isnt all quiet and angelic while in the car seat, he does scream the windows down, but we just ignore and go on with what we're doing. he'd stop screaming after a while. of course we dont just let him scream for no reason, we do check to see if there's anything wrong first. but if nothing's wrong and he's just sreaming to be let out, then that's when hubby & i will keep talking to each other and let him calm down by himself. it works out quite well because now amir can sit quietly for long journeys, provided there's no one sitting near him to distract him. i see this car at the lrt station while waiting for hubby almost every day. a man picks up his wife, who takes the lrt, with his 2 children. on the way to the lrt station, the younger one (
i think she's only around 3-4 months) would lie down in the car seat...which is of course a very good practice. then when the wife comes, she would pick up the baby from the car seat, i first assumed it was to breastfeed the baby. but then the husband would pick up the car seat and store it in the boot. i just dont get it...why do they do that? is the car seat only important when there's no one to hold the baby? is it only a device to help you to transport the baby? is it not a safety equipment to prevent something happening to your children should there be an accident?
4. anything barneyi really, really hated barney before this. but for amir's birthday he got a lot of barney toys, which is very good and educational. and now his favourite tv channel is showing barney, right at the time when he starts to nap. so amir (
and his mummy too) is starting to getting used to barney's songs. while the show itself is good and teaches you a lot of things, i just cant stand barney and his 2 sidekicks...what's-his-face and his sister with the disgusting blankie. having said that, i do like that "i love you, you love me" song...
5. slippers/shoes that make soundsanother thing that is so annoying. i really hate these slippers. ok you may not have any problem with it, but when you are in a crowd, please remember that the sound is not musical to everyone's ears! you cant escape them, they're everywhere. i dont mind if you get your children to wear them when he's at the playground or padang because the noise will be silenced by other noise, but sometimes you hear them at the clinic or the hospital, where you go when you are not well. yet the annoying sound is there to make you feel even worse!
6. shoes with the wheelsanother thing i dont like, especially when you're at the mall. the children wearing these dont even care about you. if you are in their way, you are the one who have to step aside for them. when i was pregnant i used to be so scared of them. if i see one heading towards me, i would have to run to the side or into a shop, while holding my bulging tummy. and now its grabbing amir and running into a shop while holding my soon-to-be bulging tummy. the parents dont care either. maybe to them its better since their children are not slowing them down. once i saw this girl, around 8-9 years old, holding on to her mom while they were walking. the girl didnt even have to step, she'd be wheeled around by her mom. talk about being lazy!