we had a great time, the turn out was huge. i knew it would be a lot of people when we made the guestlist, yet when the guests came, i cant help but think...omigod...there's a lot of people here. the food was ok, it was our first try with the caterers. the decorations were great (hubby spent a long time putting up the balloons, so i gotta give him some props here...). the canopy served its purpose (wasnt beautiful or anything).
amir was a good boy. he didnt cry or fuss when transferred from one (unknown) guest to another. or when he was smothered by kisses from people he hasnt seen before. it was quite a hot day and he stayed cool. good thing we forced him to take a nap before it all started.
it was great seeing old friends again, friends that i seldom meet (being a stay-at-home-mum and all that jazz, hardly ever go to town nowadays). friends from my old secondary school took time to come, from uni, from work. it was wonderful.
the gifts, surprisingly were great. amir got books, fisher price blocks (i started collecting these, so its a wonderful surprise to get more), football, clothes, and his favourite elmo soft toy. i had a great time opening them (amir's too young, so he gave me permission to open for him ;->). not only that, amir also got the sniffles (courtesy of his daddy - who also gave his mummy a really bad cough!!)
but then now that its over, i have no idea what i should do...